John F. Bougher
John F. Bougher, a prosperous young farmer of Liberty Township, has been located on his present farm of 121 acres, formerly known as the Charles Alder place, since 1808. He was born July 8, 1874. and is a son of Benjamin and Clara (Macabee) Bougher.
Benjamin Bougher was born in 1849, at Rockbridge, Hocking County, Ohio. In 1872 lie moved to Pickaway County, Ohio, settling six miles south of Circleville, on the Chillicothe turnpike road, and resided there for about twenty-five years, removing then to Columbus, where he fills the position of watchman for the McCune Block. His parents were Henry and Katie Bougher. To Benjamin Bougher and wife the following children were born: Louise, who married Dennis Rader. residing at Circleville; John Frederick, residing in Liberty Township; Leroy, born June 25, 1878, who is associated with his brother John F. in farming, and who married Olive Hardin, of which union there are two children—Louise and Frank; Clinton, born in 1882, who died aged three years; Arthur, residing in California; and Edward, who died August 31, 1906, at the age of 17 years.
John F. Bougher was educated in the schools of Pickaway County, and was reared to be a farmer. He married Victoria Hardin, who is a daughter of Krider and Alice (Levering) Hardin, and they have two children—John H. and Benjamin. Mr. and Mrs. Bougher are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Stratford. In politics, he is a Democrat. He is numbered with the substantial men and progressive citizens of Liberty Township.
20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908