Griffin G. Benedict
Griffith G. Benedict, proprietor of the Benedict Evaporating Company, manufacturers of evaporated sweet corn and fancy evaporated apples, and one of the leading business men of Delaware Township, was born in Peru Township, in what is now Morrow County, Ohio, October 3, 1845. and is a son of Aaron L. and Phebe (Wing) Benedict.
The progenitor of this old and honored family was Thomas Benedict, who was born in 1617 in Nottingham, England, where he married Mary Bridgum. and came to America in 1638. Their son, John, was born during the 1640s. and his son Joseph, had a son Aaron, who was born December 6, 1740, in Connecticut, and married Elizabeth Knowles, who was born Februery 20, 1741, and died August 15, 1821. Aaron Benedict, son of Aaron and Elizabeth (Knowles) Benedict, was born November 25, 1769, in New Milford, Connecticut, and in the fall of 1795 emigrated to New York State with his wife, Esther Lancaster, who was born April 24, 1776, and died September 25, 1825. They came Ohio in 1812, and here the remainder of their lives were spent. Mr. Benedict was an elder in the Society of Friends.
Aaron L. Benedict, father of Griffith G., was born in Peru Township, Clinton County, New York, the third child and only son of Aaron and Esther (Lancaster) Benedict. He was eight rears of age when the family came to Ohio, and the larger part of his education was acquired in an old log schoolhouse. He grew up on the home farm, which he helped to clear and cultivate. Here his death occurred June 25, 1867. He was a preacher in the Friends Church. He married Phebe Wing, who was born July 22, 1808, and died August 20, 1884, and was a daughter of Miner Wing, originally of Dutchess County, New York. Of their children, seven grew to maturity: Amelia, who married Jonathan Stanley, both now being deceased; Livius A., of Peru Township; Charity T., who is deceased; Lydia, deceased, who married Joseph Johnson; Edward A., a resident of Salem, Columbiana County; Griffith G.; and Agnes S., who resides on the old home place.
Griffith G. Benedict was educated in the district schouls as well as a private school, and remained at home until the death of his father. In 1876 he came to his present farm of 17 acres, where he embarked in trucking, in which he has continued to a certain extent to the present time, making a specialty of bush fruits and strawberries. He also keeps a small dairy, selling his milk to a creamery. Mr. Benedict started the first fruit and corn evaporating business in the county, in a small way, with a home-made dryer, but by 1888 his business had increased to such an extent as to warrant the erection of a large building, which he fitted with the most modern machinery. He now evaporates from 25,000 to 50,000 pounds of sweet corn and as high as 2,000 bushels of apples during the short season, which lasts not more than two months, and his business is still the only one of its kind in Delaware County. Some years ago Mr. Benedict purchased an additional 33 acres, and also rents property. The home that stood on the original 17-acre tract has been changed into a modern residence, and large, substantial buildings have been erected, making his property one of the most desirable in this section of the township.
On July 23, 1874, Mr. Benedict was married to Ellen Willits, who is the daughter of Joel Willits. of Cardington Township, Morrow County, Ohio, and two children have been born to this union: Ethel and Frances W. Mr. Benedict is an active Prohibitionist. In religion Mr. and Mrs. Benedict are members of the Friends Church.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908