Ohio Biographies

George W. Baxter

george w baxterGeorge W. Baxter, formerly a well-known citizen of Radnor Township, where he owned a valuable farm of almost 150 acres, died at his home, August 12, 1899, and is survived by his widow and four children. Mr. Baxter was born in Franklin County. Pennsylvania, June 16, 1836, and was a son of John D. and Elizabeth Baxter, natives of Germany. After the parents of Mr. Baxter emigrated to America, they settled in Pennsylvania, where they resided until their son, George W, was nineteen years of age, when they moved to Kansas. Later, George W. Baxter came to Ohio, settling in Marion County, where he lived for some years, and prior to his marriage he followed the carpenter's trade. After marrying he settled down to farming in the northern part of Radnor Township, Delaware County. He was careful and industrious and prospered, carrying on extensive farming and stock-raising and remaining thus occupied until near the end of his useful life.

On October 3, 1872, Mr. Baxter was married to Alsina A. Coleman, who was born November 17, 1843, in Marion County, Ohio, and who is a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Schultz) Coleman. Her parents were natives of York County, Pennsylvania, and when she was nine years old they removed from Marion to Delaware County, settling in Oxford Township, where she was reared and was married. Her mother died in her eighty-filth year and her father in his eighty-eighth year. Their family consisted of seven children, namely: Alsina A.; Absalom B., residing in Morrow County; Theresa M., who married Edward Houseworth, residing in Oxford Township; James E., residing in Morrow County; Lucinda J., who married Samuel Strine, residing in Oxford Township; Sarah A., who married John Waddel, and resides in Oxford Township; and Eva A., who married Clyde Smith, and resides in Trumbull County, Ohio.

The late George W. Baxter was a man of sterling character, a good and worthy citizen in every relation in life. When his country was in danger of disruption he responded, early in 1862, to the call for troops, and for three years risked life and health in the Federal army, as a member of Company H. Sixty-third Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He took part in the famous march to the sea under Sherman; and at various times faced the enemy on the battlefield. He was fortunate enough to escape injury, and was honorably discharged and returned safely to his home. In politics he was a Democrat. For many years be was a worthy member of and liberal contributor to the Lutheran Church. He was widely known and bore the reputation of being a man of honest purpose and exemplary life.

Mr. and Mrs. Baxter had four children, namely: Arthur A., a farmer residing in Troy Township; Walter M., residing in Radnor Township on the home farm; Henry C., also residing in Radnor Township; and Corda M., residing at home with her mother. Mrs. Baxter manages the home farm since the death of her husband and is ably assisted by her son, who takes all the care from her shoulders. She is a highly esteemed lady and is a valued member of the Lutheran Church at Prospect.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



