Ohio Biographies

David Bevan

david bevan

David Bevan, one of the leading citizens and most successful agriculturists of Delaware Township, Delaware County, Ohio, who is now living retired, was born April 20, 1829, in Breconshire, South Wales, and is a son of David and Margaret (Lewis) Bevan.

David Bevan, Sr., who was also a native of Breconshire, South Wales, came from that country to America in 1842 with his wife and six children, and located in Delaware Township, Delaware County, Ohio, where his wife's sister and her four children lived. Mr. Bevan settled in a little log cabin on a fifty-acre tract just north of where his sonDavid now lives, and here commenced clearing the heavily timbered land. In a few years the family had a well improved farm, and Mr. Bevan prospered to such an extent that at the time of his death, May 23, 1879, he was the owner of 400 acres of land. He was a man of great energy and ambition, but was prudent and economical. He was also engaged for a number of years in raising and dealing in cattle and sheep. Mr. Bevan was married to Margaret Lewis, who died in 1863, having been the mother of six children: Margaret, who died single; James, who is also deceased; William, who lives in Scioto Township; David; Charles, who is deceased; and Dinah, who resides with her brother William. William Bevan served three years and two months in the 121st Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, during the Civil War. and participated in all the actions of his regiment.

eliza bevanDavid Bevan went to school in his native country, and when thirteen years of age came with the family to America. He remained on the home farm until twenty-seven years old, when he began operating on his own account on the 106-acre farm on which he now resides, and where he continued actively in agricultural pursuits until 1899; but he continued to deal in cattle, sheep and hogs, in which occupation he had been engaged for many years, until the fall of 1906. Mr. Bevan is the owner of 800 acres of land, most of which is being cultivated by tenant farmers. He is one of Delaware Township's best known men. and has the honor and esteem of all with whom he has come in contact.

Mr. Bevan was married to Eliza Davis, who was born in Wales, December 16, 1829, and who came to this country with her parents when two and a half years old. Four children came to brighten the home life of Mr. and Mrs. Bevan. as follows: Margaret Clara, born May 25, 1857, and residing at home; David Willard, born September 22, 1859, who died March 29, 1906; Elizabeth Emma, bom June 6, 1864, who died April 13, 1887; and Edward James, born March 21, 1867, and residing at home. Mr. Bevan and wife belong to the Congregational Church, in which he has been a deacon for many years.


20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



