Burt P. Benton
Burt P. Benton was born October 11, 1872. in Scioto Township, Delaware County, Ohio. His parents' names were Thomas B. Benton and Emma L. (Crawford) Benton. T. B. Benton was for many years a member of the Bar of Union County. When the subject of this sketch was but four years old, his parents moved to Marysville. Ohio, where they resided for ten years, and during that time Mr. Benton attended the public schools and received his early education. When he was fourteen years old his parents returned to the farm in Scioto Township. Young Benton attended the public schools of that township, and at the age of eighteen had prepared himself for teaching. He taught for several years during the winter term and attended the Ohio Northern University at Ada, Ohio, where he graduated.
He took charge of the Warrensburg schools at the organization of the special school district and he established the high school of Warrensburg, which he taught for six years.
He was nominated by the Republican party for clerk of courts and was elected to that office at the November election of the year 1899, and assumed the duties of his office in August, 1900. He was re-nominated to succeed himself in 1902, and he was re-elected to the office without opposition. During the time he was serving in the capacity of clerk of courts he completed the law course at Ohio State University, where he graduated with the class in June, 1905. He was admitted to the Bar by the Supreme Court of Ohio, at Columbus, on the twenty-seventh day of June, 1905. On the completion of his second term as clerk of courts, Mr. Benton formed a partnership for the general practice of law with Harry W. Jewell, of Delaware, Ohio, under the firm name of Jewell and Benton, and the firm is now engaged in a successful and lucrative practice. Mr. Benton served the honorable Ralph D. Cole, representative in Congress from the Eighth District, in the capacity of private secretary, during his first term in Congress, but declined the appointment for the second term, feeling that his duties to his profession required all his time and energies.
From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908