Ohio Biographies

J. I. Adamson

J. I. Adamson, of the firm of Schoppert & Adamson, lumber merchants, at Ostrander, was born in Randolph County, Indiana, April 16, 1867, and is a son of Ira and Nancy (Willmore) Adamson.

The Adamson family is of English extraction. The grandfather of J. I. Adamson was Abraham Adamson, who was a pioneer in Indiana, where he became prominent in public affairs. The maternal grandfather was a native of Virginia. He married Eliza Love, whose mother was a Harrison, belonging to the old Virginia family from which came two presidents of the United States.

Ira Adamson, father of J. I.,. is a highly respected retired citizen of Winchester. Indiana. He served as a soldier in the Union army during the Civil War and is a member of the Grand Army Post at Winchester. He was a successful farmer for many years and for 15 years prior to retiring from active life, he was engaged in the bee business. He is a Republican in his political views and has frequently held township offices. He married a daughter of William C. Willmore, of Winchester, who still survives. For 14 years Mr. Willmore was county recorder. Mr. and Mrs. Adamson had 10 children, namely: Willis A., residing at Saratoga, Indiana; Mary E.; Sarah; Jesse W., residing on the home farm; Alice A.; John W., deceased; J. I.; George W., residing at Everett, Washington, was clerk of the court there for eight years; and Hannah and Edith. The parents of this family are members of the Baptist Church, in which the father has been very active for many years, frequently occupying the pulpit, He is nov in his 77th year.

J. I. Adamson was reared in Indiana and educated in the Randolph High School and the National Normal University at Lebanon, Ohio, remaining in the latter institution for two years, after which he returned to Winchester and taught in the public schools for the next five years. Failing health compelled him to abandon teaching and for the seven following years he engaged in farming in Scioto Township. In 1891 he came to Ostrander and entered into partnership with J. A. Hayes, in the hardware line, under the firm name of Hayes & Adamson, which continued two years, when Mr. Adamson closed out his interest. For some four or five years he then conducted a restaurant. In the fall of 1905, he bought a farm of Albert Huntley, but returned to Ostrander in a few months and entered into partnership with his present associate. The firm operates a portable sawmill, deals mainly in hard wood and ships largely to Dayton. Ohio. Mr. Adamson was one of the organizers of the Ostrander Banking Company, at Ostrander, and with the exception of one year, has been one of its directors ever since its beginning.

Mr. Adamson married Minnie Manville, who was born in Scioto Township, Delaware County, Ohio, and they have one daughter, Lois Ellen. In politics. Mr. Adamson is a stanch Republican. He is a member of Ostrander Lodge, F. & A. M., and of Edinburg Lodge, Odd Fellows, of which he is past grand, and has also held the office of district deputy grand master. He is one of Ostrander's representative men.


From 20th Century History of Delaware County, Ohio, and Representative Citizens, Edited and compiled by James R. Lytle, Delaware, Ohio, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1908



