Ira Van Tilburg
IRA VAN TILBURG. merchant, Tiro: was born in Richland Co., Ohio. April 15. 1839. He is a son of Peter and Hannah (Kennedy) Van Tilburg who were parents of twelve children-William, Margaret, Eliza, Nancy, Vincent, Frank, Kate, Mary, Maria, Ira. Martha and Lovina. All of these are living except Frank, who died in California. Peter Van Tilburg was a native of New Jersey, and was born in 1802. Mrs. Van Tilburg was also a native of New Jersey, and was born in 1801. They were married in Jefferson Co., Ohio. Mr. Van Tilburg died during the fall of 1876, but his widow still survives him and is living Mansfield, Ohio. The subject of this biography passed his youth and early manhood on a farm, and going to school. When 19 years of age, he went to California, where he engaged in the mining business, which he followed in California and Nevada for ten years. On the 5th of October, 1868, he was united in marriage with Miss A. E. Ewing, daughter of J. D. Ewing, Esq., of California. To this union was born one son, Frank, born Dec. 22, 1869. The mother was born in March, 1851. In 1871, Mr. and Mrs. Van Tilburg came to Richland Co., Ohio, Mr. Van Tilburg engaging in the mercantile business at Olivesburg In 1873, he formed a copartnership with his nephew, B. S. Van Tilburg. at Tiro, Crawford Co., Ohio, under the firm name of I. & B. S. Van Tilburg. This was the first business house in Tiro. They started on a small capital, and today are one of the heaviest firms of any town in the county. Besides a general dry goods and grocery store, they run a butter and egg house separately, and are also the only grain-buyers at De Kalb Station. They keep a force of from four to five men constantly engaged. Mr. Van Tilburg is a radical Republican in politics, and is a hard and earnest worker in that cause.
From History of Crawford County and Ohio, Part III, Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1881