A. C. Ross
A. C. ROSS, farmer: P. O. Tiro: was born in Auburn Township, Crawford Co., Ohio, June 11, 1842. His father was Abel C. Ross, who came to Auburn Township in 1825, it being, then an almost unbroken wilderness. The father was married first to Celia Emmons Sept. 22, 1822 and by her had the following family: Phoebe A., Melissa A., Royal R., and one that died in infancy without being named. The wife died Feb. 23, 1837. Mr. Ross remarried March 5, 1838, his second wife being Laura (Carlisle) Ross. From the second marriage the following family were born: Byron H., Alfred C. and Celia A. The father was born April 28, 1800, and died Dec. 17, 1875. The mother is yet living, and makes her home with her son A. C. Byron was a member of Company H. 64th 0. V. I. in the late civil war. He is now dead. Celia is married. A. C. Ross was reared upon a farm; was married Sept. 22, 1871, to Mary J. Hoak, a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Kaylor) Hoak, and by her had one son and one daughter, Mary A. born Dec. 29, 1873, and Royal H. born May 31, 1876. The wife was born July 30, 1849. Mr. Ross is one of Auburn Township's best farmers. He owns 111 1/2 acres of well improved land. Belongs to the United Brethren Church and is a Republican. The death of his brother Byron and his widow left two children, A1vin E. and Bertha A. The former lives with our subject, and the latter with his half-brother, Royal R., in Auburn Township.
From History of Crawford County and Ohio, Part III, Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1881