Lewis W. Buck
LEWIS W. BUCK. P. O. Bucyrus. William and Mary (Albright) Buck, parents of this gentleman, were both natives of the "Keystone" State, and the parents of nine children. The mother died in 1835. The father subsequently married Susan Shieb, who was the mother of fifteen children. Mr. Buck died in 1860. He was a successful farmer and miller, and held during his lifetime, numerous positions of honor and trust. Lewis Buck was born in Schuylkill Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1824 his early life being passed in a mill and upon a farm. He received but a limited education and when 22 years of age left his native State and came to Crawford Co., Ohio. For some time he found employment in a mill in Bucyrus when he was placed in charge of the Sinn Mills where he remained some four years. His marriage with Miss Pascalena Sinn occurred Jan. 4. 1849. She was born in Crawford Co.. Ohio, June 14, 1833 and is one of a family of ten children born to George and Sarah (Hawk) Sinn, who came from Pennsylvania to Crawford Co.. Ohio in 1826. Mr. Shin was well and favorably known through the county and was thrice elected County Auditor, besides holding other positions of honor and trust. He died in 1870 and his wife in 1876. In, Lewis W. Buck's family were seven children, five of whom are now living: Mahlon L.. Sarah C. A., Lucretia M., Charles L. and Mary S. Those deceased were Mandon D. and Franklin H. Mr. Buck followed milling until 1861 when he purchased the farm he now owns and has since followed the vocation of a farmer. He began life as a poor boy. and is in the fullest sense of the term. a self-made man. He has held several township offices and is highly spoken of as an official. As refined intelligent people, Mr. Buck's family stands second to none in the county.
From History of Crawford County and Ohio, Baskin & Battey, Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1881