James H. Sisty
JAMES H. SISTY, whose home is on section 24, Read township, Butler county, has resided here since April 1868. He came to Nebraska, however, in the fall of 1867, before the county was organized. The difference between the past and the present can scarcely be realized, even by those who have been active participants in the development of the county. Those arriving in later years can have no conception of what was required by the early settlers in transforming the wild land into productive farms and thriving cities and villages. In this work of transformation our subject has borne an important part, and has secured for himself a comfortable home and competence.
Mr. Sisty was born in Columbia county, Pennsylvania, November 16, 1820. His grandfather, John Sisty, who was of French descent, was born in 1760, and died in 1801, being laid to rest in the First Baptist cemetery, on Second street, between Market and Arch streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was a Revolutionary hero, having aided the colonies in their struggle for independence. He married a lady of German extraction, and the third son born to them was Curtis Sisty, our subject's father, whose birth occurred in Delaware. On reaching manhood he was married in Pennsylvania to Miss Jane McEwen, by whom he had the following children: James H., John, William, Milton, Margaret and Susan.
In 1831, when James H. Sisty was eleven years old, the family emigrated to Seneca county, Ohio, where he was reared. In 1848, in Henry county, that state, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Crockett, and in Ohio were born to them the following children: Hannah J., Arthur C., John, Ezra B., Warren, Ellen, Mabel, Curtis and Erwin G. The mother died after the removal of the family to Nebraska, and Mr. Sisty was again married in September, 1883, his second union being with Mary Thomas, who was born in Pennsylvania, in 1845, a daughter of Thomas Thomas, a native of Wales. She came to Nebraska from Wisconsin in 1882, and by her marriage to our subject she became the mother of one son, Nelson J. By a former marriage she has a daughter, who is now the wife of Arthur C. Sisty, a son of our subject by his first wife.
Mr. Sisty manifested his loyalty and pariotism (sic) during the war of the Rebellion, by enlisting in Company C, Fifty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and faithfully serving until the close of the war. After the fall of Atlanta! his regiment joined Sherman's army on the celebrated march to the sea. Mr. Sisty was always found at his place of duty, valiantly defending the old flag and the cause it represented, and in days of peace has proved a valuable citizen of the community, winning the confidence and esteem of all with whom he comes in contact either in business or social life. Politically he is an ardent Republican, and never fails to cast his ballot for the candidates of that party/
From The History of Camden County, New Jersey by George Reeser, Prowell (1886)