Darius C. Orcutt
Darius C. Orcutt, who then resided at Hamilton, was agent for Mr. Ludlow, to lay out lots and contract with persons wishing to purchase. He was one of the early pioneers of the country. He was a pack-horse master with St. Clair's army, and was on the ground on the day of the disastrous defeat. He was one of the second couple married in the Miami country. He was united at Cincinnati to Miss Sally McHenry, in 1790. (The first couple married were Daniel Shoemaker to Miss Elsie Rpss, a few days before.) Mr. Orcutt owned lot No. 145 in Hamilton, on which he built a hewed log house, which was afterward weatherboarded. It is the same house where Major William Murray lived, but was removed fifty years after, in consequence of the works of the Hydraulic Canal Company encroaching on the site. Mr. Orcutt afterwards lived a long time in Rossville, was constable of St. Clair Township many years, and finally died in the vicinity of Hamilton in indigent circumstances.
From A History and Biographical Cyclopædia of Butler County Ohio, With Illustrations and Sketches of its Representative Men and Pioneers, Western Biographical Publishing Company, Cincinnati Ohio, 1882.