Wm. Wiemeyer
Wm. Wiemeyer was born March 1, 1815, in Kirchspielbelin, Osnabruck, Hanover, and came to the United States in 1834. On arrival in this country proceeded directly to Clarke County, and settled near Springfield. In 1836 he came to Bremen and became a contractor on the canal then constructing through this county. He was thus engaged until the opening of navigation, when he procured a boat, which he operated until about 1845. At this time his brother Christopher entered into partnership and assumed the position of captain of the boat. Our subject then gave his attention to the home business, consisting of an extensive trade in general merchandise and produce. While thus engaged he also conducted heavy operations as grain and hog dealer, which he continued until his brother's death, which occurred in 1849. At this period the boat was sold, but really remained in the service of Mr. Wiemeyer, whose trade was fully equal to the capacity of the boat. The present brick warehouse and a pork packing house in Bremen are monuments of his industry and enterprise, as he was the founder of both. He continued in connection with these enterprises until his death, which occurred April 19, 1858. He reared a family of eight children, five of whom are living, and named as follows: J. Fred W., W. F., Katie, Annie, and Sofa. Mrs. Wiemeyer still occupies the old home in New Bremen.
From History of Auglaize County, Ohio, with the Indian History of Wapakoneta, and the First Settlement of the County, Robert Sutton, Publishers, Wapakoneta, 1880