Ohio Biographies

Squire W. Dowty

SQUIRE W. DOWTY is a honored as a pioneer farmer of Auglaize County, who has met with merited success in his calling, which places him among the most substantial citizens of St. Mary's Township, where he has valuable farming and gas interests, and one of the most comfortable homes, pleasantly situated on section 27. Mr. Dowty is of pioneer parentage, and was born November 26, 1820, amid primitive environments, in one of the early frontier homes of Wayne County. His father, whose given name was Jospeh, was born in South Carolina in 1786. He came to Ohio in the early part of this century, and engaged in farming in Vinton County, near Athens County, for some time. He subsequently settled in Wayne County, where he lived until he came in 1826 to what is now Auglaize County, which then formed a part of Mercer County. There were only a few families living within the borders of this county, which was mostly covered with forests, in which the Indians lived, subsisting mostly on the game that was so plentiful. The father of our subject was one of the first to locate in St. Mary's Township, where, in the course of time, he cleared a goodly farm by dint of hard labor, although he underwent many hardships and had but few compensations. He had to pound corn in a log, hollowed for the purpose, to obtain meal when he was too busy to go to the mill, which was a long way off. He rounded out an honest upright life in 1866, in his eightieth year. He was a man of true piety, and a faithful member of the United Brethren Church. His wife, Elizabeth Jones, died several years before he did, at the age of fifty-six. Of their twelve children, but two are living.

He of whom we write was six years old when his parents sought a new home in this county, and he was reared here under pioneer influences to a stalwart, vigorous manhood. There were at first no schools for him to attend, but after a while a log cabin was built on the Dowty place, in which to hold a subscription school. It was heated by a rude fireplace, and the furniture was made of slabs. Our subject saw many an Indian in his boyhood, as the red men were frequent callers at the Dowty home. Among his chief pleasures, when he was young, was hunting, and he has killed a good many deer, and one bear fella victim to his true aim on one of his expeditions. In 1847, he began life for himself, and farmed the old home place for a few years. He always lived in this vicinity, except one year, when he dwelt in Shelby County. He has done a great deal of clearing, has helped raise many a log house and barn in the early days, and has attended many log-rollings. When he entered upon his career, his only capital was brain and muscle, but he used them to such good effect that he was greatly prospered in his undertakings, and he collected a valuable property. He has one hundred and forty acres of land in his homestead on section 27, and has three or four other farms, making three hundred and fifty-five acres in all. His home farm, which is highly improved, is situated within the gas belt, has a good gas well, and is leased to the Lima Natural Gas Company. He has other land in the oil region, and drilling is now going on, on one of his farms.

In 1847, Mr. Dowty was married to Miss Rachael Majors, a native of German Township, and to her untiring assistance and watchful care of their household interests he owes much. They began housekeeping with roughly-contructed, homemade furniture, and lived in true pioneer style. Her father was Hamilton Majors, who was born in New Jersey in 1802. He married Charity Updike, who was also a native of New Jersy, and early in the '20s they became pioneers of this county. Later in life, they removed to Iowa, and there died. Mr. And Mrs. Dowty have been blessed in their marriage with two children, William A. and Elizabeth. Both our subject and his wife are consistent Christians, who are kind, considerate and neighborly with all about them, and are held in the highest esteem by the entire community. They are among the leading members of the United Brethren Church, have been influential in its upbuilding, and Mr. Dowty is serving it ably as Stewart and Trustee. In politics, he is strict adherent of the Democratic party.


From Portrait And Biographical Record Of Auglaize, Logan And Shelby Counties, Ohio, Chapman Bros., Chicago, 1892



