Ohio Biographies

Rev. Dominic Zinsmayer

Rev. Dominic Zinsmayer, pastor of the Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist, at Landeck, was born at Constance, Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, July 29, 1844.

From the college at Constance, Father Zinsmayer went to the schools of Freiburg, where he completed his literary and theological training. In 1869 he was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Rappe, of the diocese of Cleveland, Ohio. This prelate was at that time on his journey to Rome to attend a council at the Vatican. A few weeks after his ordination, Father Zinsmayer came to America, reaching New York in February, 1870. He was domiciled for a short period at Brooklyn, New York, and was then given charge of the Defiance missions under the auspices of the Cleveland, Ohio, diocese. After 15 months of exhausting labor in that charge, he became the first resident Catholic priest at Bucyrus, Ohio, where he continued for six years.

Father Zinsmayer established schools at that point, erected a church edifice and built a new parochial residence. From Bucyrus he was transferred to the Shelby settlement of Richland County, where he labored for seven years, during which time he succeeded in paying off the church debt and in placing the church on a sound financial basis. He also secured for the church there a fine pipe organ which cost $1,700. His next charge was at Sheffield, Lorain County, Ohio, where he remained 11 years, and there, as at other points, he proved himself not only a man of great spiritual power but also one of executive ability. When he left that church, it had almost been transformed by improvement and he is affectionately remembered by a large congregation. Since September 15, 1894, Father Zinsmayer has been pastor of the Church of St. John the Baptist at Landeck.

The church to which Father Zinsmayer came in 1894 was organized in 1866. The father of the movement was Peter Gengler, one of the zealous churchmen of his day, the father of Dominick N. Genzler, justice of the peace at Landeck. He soon interested others and a frame building was erected under the charge of Rev. F. Westerholt, who came here at stated seasons from Delphos, being pastor of the Church of St. John the Evangelist of that city and the successor of Rev. John Otto Bredeick, who was the founder of the Catholic Church at Delphos. At that time Landeck had about 40 Catholic residents. Father Seltzer became the regular pastor, and he was succeeded by Father Brem and he by Rev. J. B. Heiland. The latter officiated for some years and was followed by a priest who remained but a few months, and then Father Zinsmayer took charge.

When Father Zinsmayer came to this charge, he realized that the first need was a new church. He had saved $7,000 and this he contributed and by a general subscription a sufficient sum was realized to enable the parish to build the present handsome edifice, which has but $7,000 indebtedness upon it, the sum of $33,000 having been paid. No descriptive words can give an adequate idea of the beauty and structural dignity of this building. It is constructed of brick with stone trimmings, in 13th century Gothic style. The steeple is 150 feet high. The interior of the Church is architecturally beautiful and is adorned with rare works of art of a Scriptural design; the whole place is heated by steam and a fine pipe organ has been placed. A new brick schoolhouse has also been built to accommodate 52 pupils, this being but one of the four schools the parish supports. In 1877 the parochial residence was built.

The present church edifice was dedicated July 31, 1904, by Bishop Hartsman of Cleveland, the corner-stone having been laid in 1902. It has been conceded that this church in its almost priceless interior furnishings, including pictures and statuary by masters in art, has no equal outside the large cities. The windows in particular, gifts from different members of the congregation, are most beautiful, one of these having been dedicated by Father Zinsmayer, representing Saint Dominic receiving the Rosary from the Blessed Virgin Mary. Another window represents the Holy Family.

The congregation includes 115 families at present and the new church has a seating capacity for 750 individuals. Father Zinsmayer has opened all the usual avenues for religious and material progression, including an alter society of 100 members and a sodality of 40 members, and gives encouragement to the Catholic Knights of Ohio and the Ladies of Ohio, which have about 35 members.



