Jean Vetter
Jean Vetter, deceased, founder of the Delphos Hardware Company, at Delphos, and one of the city's most valued and respected men, was born in 1848 in Hessen, Germany.
After completing a public and normal school education by the time he was 20 years old, Jean Vetter came to America. He had also learned the locksmith's trade in his native land and soon found employment at Crestline, Ohio, in a Crestline lock shop, where he remained for the next five years. In 1875 he came to Delphos and opened up a hardware business on a small scale. The venture proved successful and developed into important business of the Delphos Hardware Company. He erected the fine building in which this business is located, and he also put up a number of other substantial structures in the city. After an active and useful life, he retired to the enjoyment of the fruits of his former energy; but two years later, on October 19, 1903, a sudden message came and he passed away. For some time his health had not been of the best and an affection of the heart developed. For a number of years he was a member of the Board of Education and was a liberal supporter of all educational and religious reforms. He was a consistent member of the Lutheran Church. His only fraternal connection was with the Knights of Pythias.
Mr. Vetter was married at Delphos to Lina Eysenbach, the youngest daughter of the late Prof. Wendel Eysenbach, and they had three children, viz.: Ella, wife of Louis Huber, who is interested in the Delphos Hardware Company they have one daughter, Mildred; Amelia, wife of William Du Wece, also of the Delphos Hardware Company they have one child, John Vetter; Meta, wife of William Steinle, son of Felix Steinle; and Ernest.
The late Prof. Wende Eysenbach was born in Eberstadt, Germany, April 29 1810. At the age of 17 he attended the seminary of Friedberg and was graduated there as a public teacher at the age of 20 years. After acting for a time as private tutor, he received an appointment as public teacher, and for many years was popular as such. During the troubles of the Revolution of 1848 he was impeached by the government on account of his liberal sentiments and as a result of a trial was sentenced to punishment. However, in 1851 he escaped to America with his family and settled on a farm in Marion township, Allen County, east of Delphos, where he passed the remainder of his life, dying in May, 1886. He was a natural and trained musician and taught the piano for about 10 years, having many pupils in Lima.
In 1838 he married Margaret Schillings and they had four sons and one daughter who were born in Germany, namely: Louis, a farmer of Marion township; Henry P. a merchant and manufacture of Delphos; William of Delphos; Theodore, a merchant of Spencerville; and Mary, widow of George Schilling. Their youngest child, Mrs. Vetter was born in Ohio.
Proffessor Eysenbach's mind was a versatile one, turning as easily to science as to literature and music. He spent some years inventing and perfecting astronomical apparatus. He was probably one of the most learned men who ever lived out a quiet, useful life in Allen County and he commanded the respect and enjoyed the esteem of all who knew him.