Ohio Biographies

Morgan Thomas

Morgan Thomas, president of the Lima Creamery and Cold Storage Company, has been a resident of Lima, for a period of 23 years and is one of those hustling energetic citizens who form the backbone of commerce and incite others to a spirit of progressive emulation. He was born in New York City, September 19, 1839, and was there reared and educated. For 18 years he was engaged in the shoe business in his native city, but in 1871 removed to Sidney, Ohio, where he embarked in the butter and egg business. Meeting with success there, he extended the business to Lima, to which city he moved in 1882. Here the company was M. Thomas & son and they added dealing in poultry to their operations. The business is conducted on an extensive scale and is exclusively wholesale, with branch stores at Sidney, Bluffton, and Leipsic, Ohio. The amount of butter, eggs, dressed and live poultry that pass through their hands amounts to from $250, 000 to 300,000 annually, and requires from 25 to 35 in summer. Mr. Thomas is also interested in the produce business in Boston, Massachusetts, being a member of the wholesale commission house of Griffin, Thomas, Paine & Company.

Morgan Thomas was a member of the New York militia during the Civil War, and was called out with his command to quell the riots in New York City, and also when Lee invaded Pennsylvania. He is a member of the G. A. R. He was a member of the School Board of Sidney during his residence there, and was in the City Council of Lima for two years. He is a deacon of the First Baptist Church. He has been twice married first to Diana Unkenholz, who died in 1866, leaving two sons, Charles E. and Joseph M., the latter of whom is engaged in the wholesale commission business in Boston. His second union was with a sister of his first wife Joanna Unkenholz, who died in July, 1905, leaving three children, namely: Benjamin F., president of the Lima Pork Packing Company; Frank A., who travels for the same company; and Elizabeth E., wife of Rev. William J. Fitzgerald, of Philadelphia.

Charles E. Thomas treasurer and general manager of The Lima Creamery & Cold Storage Company is the eldest son of Morgan and Diana (Unkenholz) Thomas, and was born in the city of New York in 1863. He was a lad of eight years when his parents located in Sidney, and there he received his education, after which he entered his father's commission house as a clerk. Two of three years later he was made manager of the business, and remained in this capacity four years. When the family removed to Lima, he became bookkeeper in the business which his father had established here the year previous. In 1885 or 1886 he was again sent to Sidney to take charge of the branch office as general manager, remaining here three years, when he returned to Lima where he has since resided. In 1901 The Lima Creamery & Cold Storage Company was incorporated, with a capital stock of $60,000, and the following officers elected: President, Morgan Thomas; vice-president and secretary, S. Miller; treasurer and general manager, Charles E. Thomas. Charles E. Thomas was married in 1885 to Harriett G. Dann, daughter of Jonathan Dann, now deceased, who was for many years prominently identified with the manufacturing interests of Sidney. Their children are: Paul M., attending school at Mount Hermon, Massachusetts; Mary D., and Lois. Mr. Thomas is a member of the First Baptist Church, of Lima, and is serving on its official board.


From History of Allen County, Ohio  and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906



