Ohio Biographies

Joseph Tapscott

Joseph Tapscott, whose fine farm of 470 well tilled and finely improved acres is situated in Perry Township, belongs to one of the worthy old pioneer families of this section. Mr Tapscott was born in Perry township, Allen County, Ohio, December 11 1850, and is the son of James and Maria (Rankins) Tapscott.

Joseph Tapscott, the grandfather, came from New Jersey to Warren County, Ohio, and lived there until his death. He took up 800 acres of land in Allen County, but never moved here. His long life was spent on his land in Warren County, which he improved as he had opportunity, and which were divided among his children when he passed away. He was a man of courage and enterprise and possessed many of the characteristics of his hardy Scotch-Irish ancestors which made him a typical pioneer. He married Annie Schenck, of the Schenck family of New Jersey, one which for generations has been prominently connected with the affairs and public life of southern New Jersey. They reared a family of nine children, the eldest of these being James Tapscott, the father of our subject.

James Tapscott was born in 1808 in Warren County, Ohio, and continued to reside on the old homestead until 1848, when he removed with his possessions to Allen County and settled on a 200 acre tract of land, which his father had entered at an early day. He was a practical agriculturist and cleared a large portion of his land, making a comfortable homestead, where he spent a number of years. Subsequently he bought the farm which is now owned and occupied by his son, our subject, who also owns the old place, 470 acres in all. Mr. Tapscott was one of the reliable and intelligent men of his community, and was elected to a large number of the local offices by the Democratic Party, of which he was a life- long member. He died in 1884.

On March 6, 1850, James Tapscott married Marie Rankins, who was a daughter of George Rankins, one of the early settlers of Perry Township. Of their four children our subject is the only survivor.

Joseph Tapscott spent his boyhood in attending school and assisting in the work of the farm, which finally devolved entirely upon his shoulders. For many years he has been looked upon as one of the township's most successful agriculturists and progressive citizens, his method being those of accepted scientific value. His large acreage is not only productive under his management in an agricultural way, but the discovery of oil on some portions of the estate has given increase value to what was already considered one of the most valuable farms of the township.

Mr. Tapscott was married November 28, 1872, to Elizabeth A. Crossley, who is a daughter of Ross Crossley of Lima, and they have these children: Jessie, who married William Hardesty, son of Joshua Hardesty, of Perry Township, and has five children; Mulford, who married Mattie Brown, daughter of Henry Brown; and William, who married Margaret Brown, daughter of William Brown. the family belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Tapscott has been very active for years, taking a deep interest in both church and Sunday- school, and serving as steward and as trustee.

In political sentiment Mr. Tapscott is a Prohibitionist. He has accepted no Public office with the exception of a trusteeship of the Allen County Children's Home. Fraternally he belongs to the Foresters.



