Ohio Biographies

Baxter Trevor

Baxter Trevor, a retired citizen of Lima, was born in England in January, 1843, and was reared and educated in his native and though all his subsequent development has been in the United States. He served bravely in the army of his adopted country, suffered in her defense, and later through his own efforts reached a position of importance in the business world and in the confidence and friendship of a large number of his fellow-citizens.

After coming to America, Mr. Trevor followed farming and also went to school in Huron County, Ohio. Our subject gained his first military experience in 1862 with the "Squirrel Hunters," called out to repell a Confederate invasion of Ohio. He was at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, when the "Island Queen" was scuttled and set adrift on Lake Erie. At this time he joined a company which had for its captain young John Brown, a son of John Brown, of Harper's Ferry fame. In October, 1864, He enlisted in Company D, 55th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. The Regiment was sent at once to Atlanta and attached to the 20th Army Corps, and Mr. Trevor participated in all the battles until Bentonville, on March 17, 1865, when he was wounded in the right arm, which was so shattered that he was obliged to submit to its amputation on the field. His sufferings during his conveyance in the rude ambulance over the rough, corduroy roads, to the hospital at Goldsboro, North Carolina, only served to demonstrate what youth and vigor can stand without giving way. His wound was so serious that after a season at Goldsboro he was sent on to New Bern, where he was placed on the hospital boat and taken to David's Island, New York, where he could receive more skilled care. He arrived in that city on the day following President Lincoln's assassination, when the city was almost paralyzed with grief. He was conveyed to the general hospital on David's Island, where he remained until June 14,1865, when he was discharged, though not cured. One ligature which was affected was not removed until later and until that was done, he suffered severely. Wounded, weak, without funds and without a home. the future looked bleak to the young man, as may well be imagined, but he was given a welcome at the Soldier's home at Cleveland, and had been there but a month when he had so gained the good will of those with whom he came in contact, that he was chosen for one of the positions at the home, the light duties of which he could perform. This was to meet every train and conduct to the home the weary boys in blue who sought its shelter. The next fall Mr. Trevor secured a position in the Cleveland Post office which he held for four and a half years, and then followed book canvassing through Ohio and Pennsylvania for the some length of time.

From this latter occupation he drifted into the business of selling books and stationery and established a store at Norwalk, Ohio, which he conducted for nine years. He was then recalled to Cleveland for the purpose of assisting in the settling up of an estate in England. While there, he carried on a news and stationery business until 1885, when he come to Lima and bought the "City Book Store," forming a partnership and doing business for a time under the firm name of Trevor & Robinson. The Mr. Trevor sold to his partner and embarked in a book and stationery business for himself, near High street, which he continued until he retired from active business. He accompanied Mr. Knight, the lecturer, during one year, the subject of the entertainment being certain thrilling events of the Civil War. Mr. Trevor was appointed, in 1890, decennial appraiser of the Fifth and Sixth wards of Lima.

In 1886 Mr. Trevor was married to Anna Bilton, of England, and they have three children, viz.: Ada Adelaide; Maud Gertrude, wife of Clarence F. Spaulding, of Buchanan, Michigan; and Kyle C., who is with R. G. Dun & Company at Springfield, Ohio. He is a member of Mart Armstrong Post, No. 202, G. A. R. He belongs to the First Congregational Church of Lima.



