Ohio Biographies

Frank C. Smith

Frank C. Smith, who is the senior member of the large contracting firm of Smith & Sherrick, of Lima, has been a resident of this city for the past 17 years. He was born at Westminster, Allen County, Ohio, in 1867, and is a son of Isaac N. Smith and a grandson of Abner Smith.

Abner Smith was born in Pennsylvania and removed to Athens County, Ohio, about 1822. Later he moved to Champaign County and in 1829 to Allen County, where he entered land near the present site of the town of Westminster. In 1830 he moved his family here and during the remainder of his life he was engaged in clearing and cultivating his property. He was one of the first trustees of Auglaize township and took an active part in its public affairs. politically he was a Whig.

Isaac N. Smith, father of our subject, now lives retired in his pleasant home at No. 708 East Kibby street, Lima. He was born in 1839 in Auglaize township. When 14 years of age he started to learn the carpenter's trade and continued work at the same until 1864, when he enlisted in Company B, 151th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., for 100 days, but his real service covered four months. He was detailed to the quarter-master's department and was stationed during the greater part of the time at Fort Reno. At the close of the war he returned home and resumed carpenter work until 1868, when he engaged in wagon and carriage manufacturing at Westminster. Mr. Smith continued in business for 10 years and had a large establishment, where he also did repair work and dealt in agricultural implements. Some of the wagons built by him 40 years ago are still in commission in and about Westminster.

In June, 1888, Mr. Smith located in Lima, where he carried on contracting until failing eyesight caused him to retire from business. During his residence in Auglaize township, he was active in public affairs and was elected to many of the township offices. He served four years as assessor of that township, for years was school director and was a man whose advice was asked and judgment consulted by his fellow-citizens.

Frank C. Smith of this sketch was reared and educated at Westminster, and learned the carpenter's trade with his father. He entered the employ of the Standard Oil Company and remained with that corporation for six years, during four of which he was in charge of the tanking department at different points. He built the first pump station in the Ohio oil field. Then for some four years he followed his trade by himself; but in 1898 he formed his present partnership with S. S. Sherrick. This firm is engaged in a general contracting business and is the leading firm in this line in Lima. Their large planning mill and sash, door and blind factory is located at Nos. 330-332 South Union street.

In 1899 Frank C. Smith was married to Ella Biederman, of Auglaize County. They have one son, Walter Stanley, aged five years. Both Mr. Smith and his wife are members of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church at Lima.

In politics Mr. Smith is a zealous Republican and is a member of the Republican Central Committee. He belongs also to the Lima Board of Health, and is interested in all movements tending to promote the welfare of the city. His fraternal connections are with the Odd Fellows and Red Men.



