Ohio Biographies

Theodore D. Robb

Hon. Theodore D. Robb, mayor of Lima and president of The First National Bank of this city, was born June 29, 1843, and is one of a family of eight children born to the late Hon. Thomas M. and Anna (Moore) Robb.

The Robb family originated in Scotland but it has been settled on American soil for many generations. Thomas M. Robb was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1812. In 1815 his father removed to Guernsey County, Ohio, and there Thomas M. Robb was reared until old enough to learn the printing business. The early part of his life was spent in newspaper work in various towns in Ohio. As late as 1854 he took upon himself the editing of the Lima Argus and two years later he acquired control of the People's Press, which he conducted with marked success until the demands of other duties upon his time caused him to withdraw from journalistic work. He was admitted to the bar in 1853 and what with legal contests, editorial work and political leadership, he became one of the noted men of this section of the State. In 1856 he was elected judge of the Probate Court. In 1873 he was elected to the State Legislature and continued as useful there as he had been in other positions of responsibility. His death took place in 1879.

Theodore D. Robb was only a lad in years when he came to Lima with his parents and the greater part of his education was secured in the Lima schools. He learned the carpenter trade in young manhood and followed it some four years and then began the study of the law under his distinguished father, and then entered the Michigan State University at Ann Arbor, where he was graduated. He entered into practice with his father in Lima, the law firm of Robb, Hughes & Robb being formed. In 1874 the retirement of Judge Robb caused the firm name to be changed to Hughes & Robb, which continued until the election of Judge Hughes to the bench. Our subject then went into partnership with the late Judge James Mackenzie, the new firm being in business under the style of Mackenzie & Robb. This partnership was continued for five years, at the end of which period Judge Mackenzie retired from the practice of the law. Mr. Robb practiced alone for one year and then became senior member of the firm of Robb & Leete, which continued until his election to the probate bench, in 1894, on the Democratic ticket. During the six years of his incumbency, Judge Robb distinguished himself as a jurist of great ability and retired with the respect and admiration of the bench and bar and the commendation of his fellow citizens.

Mr. Robb is a stanch Democrat and his party has pressed upon him offices of honor and responsibility. In 1903 he was elected mayor of Lima and again in 1905, being one of the most popular city executives Lima has ever had. He was elected in 1903 by a majority of 123; in the election two years later his majority was 1,031. He had served as president of the Board of Trade and is president of the South Side Building & Loan Association and of The First National Bank.

Mr. Robb was married January 21, 1894, to Mary C. Owens, and they have two children, viz.: Theodore J., Jr., born June 21, 1895, and Inez A. They enjoy the comforts of a beautiful home at No. 637 West Market Street. Fraternally Mr. Robb is a member of Lima Lodge, No. 205, F. & A. M. ; and Lima Lodge, No. 162, B. P. O. E.



