William L. Parmenter
William L. Parmenter, a prominent attorney of Lima, junior member of the law firm of Cable & Parmenter, can be claimed as a product of this city, for here he was born on May 12, 1867, here obtained a part of his education and here has met with professional success. He is a son of the well-known citizen, Cornelius Parmenter, who has been identified with journalism in this section for many years.
In 1884 William L. Parmenter was graduated from the Lima High School, being recognized as one of its brilliant pupils. Two years later he entered the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and was graduated from the law department of that institution in 1888. In July of that year he formed his present partnership with Davis J. Cable, adopting the present firm style, and together these attorneys constitute one of the strongest law firms in the city. Mr. Parmenter has been secured by a number of corporations as special attorney, one of these being The Lima Trust Company. His career has been followed with interest by old family friends, and his many victories have been the cause of sincere congratulation. He has interests outside his profession, including banking and other business enterprises.
On June 2, 1891, Mr. Parmenter was married to Hattie A. Crippen who is a daughter of the late Milton A. Crippen, and they have two children, Warren C. and Mary E. Mr. Parmenter is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.