T. C. Pennell
T. C. Pennell, of the firm of Pennell Brothers & Morrison, is a leading citizen of Lima, and identified with many of the industrial enterprises of this and neighboring towns. He is a native of Erie County, New York, and the son of Rev. Randolph Pennell, who for many years was a minister of the Methodist Church and is now in his 92nd year and makes his home with his son, Frank in Lima.
T. C. Pennell entered the employ of an oil company at Petroleum Center, Pennsylvania, on April 8, 1865, and has been actively engaged in the oil industry since, being identified with the production of that commodity in the fields of Venango, Butler, Clarion and McKean counties, Pennsylvania, Allegany County, New York, and the Trenton rock fields of Ohio. He has been a producer since 1877 and at one time had as many as 115 oil wells, in which he was interested, in active operation. In 1903 the company of Pennell Brothers & Morrison was organized for the manufacture of pulling machines, and other appurtenances required around oil wells, and he is also a stockholder in the Humane Horse Shoe Company, of Lima, as well as in the Lima Gas Engine Company, and in banks at Gibsonburg and Lima. Mr. Pennell was married in 1886 to Emma Tabler, of Lima, and is the father of two Children, Stella and Hazel. He is a member of Shawnee Commandery, No. 14, K. T., of Lima, and is a man who stands well among his acquaintances.
Frank Pennell, who has been associated with his brother in most of the enterprises above mentioned, was born in Erie County, New York, in 1847, and was educated in various places in which his father was stationed. He was reared on a farm, but has been employed in the oil fields since early youth, and for 20 years past has been an operator and producer in Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio. He is a stockholder in the Lima Gas Engine Company, and Pennell Brothers & Morrison, having located in Lima about two years ago, when the latter company was organized. He is a shrewd, cautious businessman, whose straightforward dealings have won him the confidence of his compeers and he is fast adding to the friends already made. In 1876 he was married to Emma C. Chadman, of Center County, Pennsylvania. Their children are as follows, viz: Marie, wife of Dr. R. F. Palmer, a physician who is in the government employ at Roosevelt, Arizona; Bessis; F. C., who is a senior in the medical department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor; Carrie, wife of R. Fought, a traveling salesman of New York City; and Clarence, a student in the Lima Business College. Mr. Pennell is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Part 2, Edited & Compiled by Charles C. Miller, Ph. D.; Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906