L. W. Page
L. W. Page, assistant superintendent of the South Lima Division of The Buckeye Pipe Line Company, is a native of Nova Scotia. He is a son of James M. Page, who was engaged in handling monuments for many years, but is now retired from business and residing at Rothesay, New Brunswick. Mr. Page was educated in Nova Scotia, taking an academic course and then locating in Boston Massachusetts, where he conducted a drug-store for about five years. From 1890 to 1895 he was engaged in the same business in Brooklyn, and then accepted a place on the construction gang of the Eureka Pipe Line Company, which was stationed at Sistersville, West Virginia. He was made assistant foreman of the company and sent to Marietta Ohio, later going to Kentucky as foreman of the Cumberland Pipe Line Company. For a time he was located at VanBuren, Indiana, as foreman of the Indiana Pipe Line Compan, and thence came to Lima, on July 1, 1905, as assistant superintendent.
Mr. Page was married, in 1896, to Zaidee Fullerton, of Montclair, New Jersey, a lady of many pleasing qualities. They have four children, namely: Florence Virginia, Lawson Fullerton Elvena and Daniel. Mr. and Mrs. Page are prominent and popular members of the First Baptist Church of Lima. Mr. Page was made an Elk in the Marietta Lodge, and still retains his membership in that body.