Joseph Edward Pierson
Joseph Edward Pierson is one of the industrious, hard working agriculturists of Allen County, whose success in life is due entirely to personal and concentrated efforts. His farm, which contains 67 acres of land, is one of the most carefully improved in section 17, German township. He was born June 19, 1862, in Amanda township, this county, and is a son of Joseph and Hannah (Delong) Pierson who moved to Allen County from Fairfield County in 1854 and who died there, the mother on May 15, 1886, and the father March 4, 1900. They sleep side by side in the silent city of the dead, in Allentown.
The family located in Auglaize County, where our subject received his education and grew to man's estate. He has always carried on farming and, with the assistance of his estimable wife, save sufficient means to purchase his present farm in May 1903. They took possession on the 10th of the following October, and have made many very noticeable improvements in the property since. He conducts general farming, and has leased the three oil wells on his property to the National Consolidated Oil Company, of Lima.
Mr. Pierson was married April 20, 1884, to Maggie Esther Anderson by whom he has two children Bernard Herman, born February 13, 1886, and Harold Throne, born February 3, 1892, who is a student in the Elida schools. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church of Elida and are straightforward, upright people, who would be a credit to any community. Mrs. Pierson is a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Walker) Anderson, who came to this section of the State from Harrison County, Ohio, and are now living in Auglaize County. Her grandfather, Samuel Anderson, came from Ireland to Harrison County. She has five brothers and three sisters, as follows: Jennie, who married Hardy Columbus Whetstone, of Auglaize County, and has three children; Keren, who married John Brown of Auglaize County; Gertrude, wife of Hubert J. Sunderland of this county, and the mother of three children; William; James Beatty; Samuel; Everett, who died December 22, 1904; and Joseph.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Part 2, Edited & Compiled by Charles C. Miller, Ph. D.; Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906