Ohio Biographies

Charles C. Post

Charles C. Post, of Amanda Township, one of the substantial men and representative agriculturist of this locality, resides upon his well-improved farm in sections 9 and 10, a fine location along the Auglaize River. Mr. Post is a worthy member of a fine old family of this portion of the State and one which has many representatives, and through marriage, is connected with a number of other substantial and prominent families of Allen and adjacent counties.

Charles C. Post was born in 1858, on his father's farm in section 9, Amanda Township, and is a son of Leonidas and Eliza J. (Stewart) Post, a grandson of Charles Post and a great-grandson of Jeremiah Post. This great-grandfather was of German parentage and inherited many of the sturdy characteristics of the Fatherland. He was born in New York, but moved to Washington County, Pennsylvania, during the Revolutionary War, and it is quite probable he participated in the struggle for freedom.

Charles Post, son of Jeremiah Post, was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, July 27, 1800. In 1822 he came to Ohio, settling first in Knox County and later at Shelby, in Richland County, but removing later to upper Sandusky, Wyandot County. There he constructed a grist and sawmill, and also a council house for the Wyandot Indians. He had much commerce with this tribe, by whom he was held in high regard on account of his just dealings with them. In March 1841, he removed to Allen County, settling in Amanda Township, and building the old post mill on the Auglaize River. This he operated until 1849, when he took possession of his farm of 540 acres, located in sections 8, and 17, and removed about one and a quarter miles from his former location. Here Mr. Post resided until 1883, and then went to live with his daughter, Mrs. Cyrus Hover, where he died March 27, 1884, when within two months of being 84 years old. Charles Post was a man well fitted for his times, strong of will and firm of purpose, the soul of old-time integrity. As such he was elected by his fellow-citizens to represent them in the State Legislature. He married Elizabeth Bryant, who was born March 13, 1801, and died February 22, 1886, aged 85 years. Of their nine children, but four survive, namely: Martha, widow of Cyrus Hover, of Lima; Adam Clark, of Carthage, Missouri; Isaac B., and Charles G., of Missouri.

Leonidas H. Post, son of Charles Post and father of Charles C. Post, was one of the representative farmers, esteemed residents and substantial citizens of Amanda Township. He was born at Fredericktown, Ohio, August 9, 1832, and died October 3, 1904, in Amanda Township. His father as a man in easy circumstances afforded his excellent educational advantages. He was sent to Oberlin College, while in his home, from childhood to young manhood, he came in contact with gentle influences and with men of intelligence who were his father's friends. He also broadened his mind by travel. In 1852 he removed to New York and there took passage for California, where he remained two years, and then returned by way of New Orleans. On this and other trips he gained a very fair idea of many sections of the country.

After his return to Ohio, Mr. Post was married, after which, until the close of his quiet, peaceful, busy and useful life, his home continued to be in Amanda township. Among other agricultural interests he devoted much time and attention to the careful breeding of draft horses and probably to his interest and work in this direction is due the excellence of his stock in Amanda township. He took an immense pride in his fine Shorthorn cattle, and is credited with introducing this breed into the township. His farm of 200 acres in section 9, Amanda township, is probably the most fertile as to soil, and certainly one of the best improved and most scientifically cultivated in the township.

On August 2, 1854, Leonidas H. Post was married by Elder Thomas J. Price to Eliza J. Stewart, the estimable lady who survives him and who still resides on the home farm, a property which her father, Samuel Stewart, had entered from the government in 1824. Mrs. Post was born October 13, 1830, in Allen County, Ohio, but was reared and married in Champaign County. Her parents were Samuel and Mary (Thomas) Stewart, and her grandparents, Matthew and Elizabeth Stewart. Samuel Stewart was born January 31, 1796, and died April 26, 1873. Mary Thomas was a daughter of Capt, Arthur Thomas, who was killed by the Indians in Logan County. They cut his body into pieces, put it in sacks and carried it on horseback to Urbana. The children of Samuel Stewart were: Thomas, Elizabeth, Eliza J. and Matthew. Mr. Stewart is recalled as a man of exemplary life and noble character, generous and charitable, and possessed of those admirable attributes which make his name venerated by those who still survive. In this connection special mention must be made concerning his benefactions to the Amanda Baptist Church. In 1865 he gave five acres of land for the church, parsonage and cemetery, and in 1870 contributed the sum of $500, to be used in erecting a parsonage. He was not a member of the church, but believed in its influence and contributed to its work, on account of his wife's devoted membership and interest in it.

Both Leonidas H. Post and his wife were also very active in all that concerned Amanda Baptist Church. Mrs. Post was baptized November 15, 1849, at King's Creek. Mr. Post was converted and was baptized November 21, 1869, by Rev. D. D. Spencer, and united with the Amanda Baptist Church, but before becoming a member was one of the prime movers in erecting the building, not only contributing very largely, but superintending the erection of the structure. Mrs. Post has been a trustee of this church since its organization. Through his whole life Mr. Post kept the needs of this church in timely remembrance. In his political opinions, he was a Republican, and on account of the known integrity of his character, was chosen on many occasions to assume the duties of office. As long as his health permitted he took an active interest in both local and outside affairs. He was the father of seven children namely: William Stewart, Samuel A., Charles C., Edward G., Mary and Jennie (both deceased), and Leonidas H., Jr. Samuel A., deceased, left five children. Edward G. is a farmer in Champaign County, Ohio. He was married in 1886 to Jennie Florence Whetstone, and their surviving children are: Edna, Ada, Ruth and Naomi. Leonidas H. Post, Jr., farms with his brother, Charles C. He married Altha Moorman, and they have two children Martha and an infant.

Charles C. Post, our immediate subject, was educated in the public schools of Amanda Township, which has always been his home. He carries on extensive farming and stock raising, follows modern methods of agriculture, and believes and proves that no man is so independent and well-placed as the prosperous agriculturist. His herds dot many meadows, his grain ripens in many fields, and his barns and other buildings provide storage for his abundant crops and shelter stock worth many thousands of dollars. His home is one of modern luxury.

Mr. Post was married (first) to Ida Crites, who was a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Crites. She was born February 22, 1862, and died March 24, 1889, leaving two children: Clarence B., who is now in California; and Ida G., who is attending Lima College.

In the spring of 1905, Mr. Post married (second) Martha Post. She was born in Pennsylvania and possibly belonged to the Post family established by Jeremiah Post, which had many branches. Mr. Post takes only a moderate interest in politics, voting independently.  There is an old landmark on Mr. Post's farm that has an interesting history. It is an old buckeye tree, under which our subject's maternal grandfather, Samuel Stewart, trapped a rabbit which provided the first meal the pioneer family enjoyed when they settled, forlorn and hungry, on the banks of the Auglaize River, in 1824.



