Adam V. Pfeifer
Adam V. Pfeifer, deceased, was a successful farmer of German township, and later a highly respected resident of Elida, where his death took place, after a short illness, on November 23, 1903. He was born at Ash Grove, German township, Allen County, Ohio, January 19, 1853, and was a son of Nicholas and Eva Pfeifer.
Mr. Pfeifer was reared on his father's farm and during all his active years carried on agricultural operations. He was married October 31, 1875, to Bertha Crites, a daughter of Daniel L. and Martha (John ) Crites, and a granddaughter of Charles and Sophia Crites. The last named were early settlers in Allen County, coming from Pickaway County, and founded a numerous and prominent family. Daniel L. Crites was one of the leading Democratic politicians of his day and filled county and township offices. He served as deputy under Auditor William Dowling, in the old Court House at Lima, and later was deputy and still later county clerk of Allen County. He died March 30, 1885, leaving a property aggregating 106 acres, 42 acres of which are located in Elida, south of the railroad, the remainder being just beyond the corporation limits. This property was left to his widow and his two daughters Mrs. Tirzah Sanford, wife of M. J. Sanford of Lima, and Mrs. A. V. Pfeifer.
Immediately after marriage Mr. and Mrs. Pfeifer lived on a farm owned by Mr. Crites, which was situated about a quarter of a mile east of Elida. Four years later they moved to another tract, just across the street, and then established themselves in the residence still occupied by Mrs. Pfeifer and family. This is now a home with modern comforts, having undergone much improvements in the past 10 years. Mr. Pfeifer is survived by his wife and these of his children, namely: Emery Crites, born October 9, 1878, who conducts the home farm; India L., born April 21, 1884; Mildred, born October 20, 1890; and Beulah, born September 15, 1886, who died August 12, 1887.
The family are members of the Lutheran Church at Elida, in which Mr. Pfeifer was a deacon and trustee for many years. He was a man of upright character, quiet and unostentatious in manner and commanding the respect of all that knew him.