F. W. Oen
F. W. Oen, a representative business man of Lima, a dealer in staple and fancy groceries and meats, at No 1114 West North street, was born in Shawnee township, Allen County, Ohio, August 7, 1866, and is a son of Henry Oen, an early settler and leading farmer of Shawnee township, who died December 3, 1903.
F. W. Oen was reared and educated in Shawnee township, where he followed farming and dairying for four years and then bought a farm in Auglaize County, which he later leased for oil purposes. For a short period he was engaged in the oil business, having leased his brother-in-law's farm. He put down one well, which was an excellent producer, and he soon sold the property for $11,000. He was also fortunate in his business arrangements concerning his farm of 80 acres, selling his royalty for $18,000, and later disposing of the land. He then bought some choice property in Lima, erecting several fine residences, on the corner of Jameson and North streets, and the business block which he occupies. His present realty holdings include four fine residence properties and three vacant lots. He also owns farming lands, having purchased an unimproved tract of 118 acres in German township. On this he was erected excellent buildings, put up fencing and set out orchards, until the land, within a few years, has advanced to $100 an acre.
In 1892 Mr. Oen was married to Ellen Jordan who is a daughter of the late Daniel Jordan, formerly a prosperous farmer of Shawnee township. Mr. and Mrs. Oen have five children, viz: H. Edward, Frances Puline, Catharine Ellen, Francis Frederick and James Alfred. Mr. and Mrs. Oen are members of St. Rose Catholic Church.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906