Daniel J. O'Day
The death of Daniel J. O'Day, which occurred May 28, 1905, at his home on the southeast corner of West and North streets, Lima, removed one of the city's most estimable and beloved citizens, and a man whose rise from a humble position to that of a distinguished one, in close association with the greatest combination of capital and brain that the world has ever known, was entirely through his own inherent ability. Thus his career, his methods, his personality and his victories possess an interest not only for his family and immediate friends, but for the country at large.
Daniel J. O'Day was born October 2, 1857, at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York, and was a son of Daniel and Hannah O'Day, who died some years ago. Mr. O'Day was born into a large family, in which industry was considered a cardinal virtue, and frugality, a continuous necessity. His boyhood was passed on a farm and his opportunities for education and general culture were comparatively slight. No disadvantages however, and no drawbacks were sufficient to discourage one who possessed determination and ambition united with a strong character. When the time came for him to make a choice of career, it led from the farm, and as he had already show a remarkable aptitude for mechanics, he sought an opening where these inclinations could be properly molded. In 1873 he thus became an apprentice in the boiler shops of Gibbs & Russell, at Titusville, Pennsylvania. Here his work was marked by carefulness, reliability and intelligence, and when his apprenticeship ended, he had a thorough and practical knowledge of machinery construction which, although he did not then know it, was to be of the greatest value to him later in life. In 1876 he entered the service of the American Transfer Company, at Oil City, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1878, when he was transferred to Bradford, Pennsylvania, and shortly afterward was placed in charge of the United Pipe Line interests at Olean, New York, being at the time of assuming these important relations but 22 years of age.
Mr. O'Day's capacity and fidelity were recognized and were still further rewarded in 1885, when he was appointed superintendent of the Macksburg Pipe Line, with headquarters at Macksburg, Ohio, where he remained two years, during that period developing a system which connected the different pipe-lines of this field, and which extended s far as Parkersburg, West Virginia. Not only did Mr. O'Day accomplish a remarkable engineering feat, but by his shrewd, skillful and judicious management of all associated interests, still more fully proved to the company the great value of his services.
In January 1887, Mr. O'Day was called to Lima, which city continued to be his chosen and beloved home until his death. He located here as general superintendent of the Buckeye Pipe Line Company, which then embraced the entire pipe-line system of the great Trenton rock oil field of Ohio and Indiana, the most far-reaching branch of the Standard Oil Company. This most responsible position he continued to acceptably fill until his decease. It was Mr. O'Day who was delegated by the Standard Oil interests to take charge of the great development of oil in Kansas and Indian Territory, in 1902, and, regardless of premonitions of illness, he gave his personal attention to the locating and constructing to the lines. This work was his last great accomplishment. During the many years of close association with men of all degree in the pipeline business, he won respect and esteem. His bearing was ever genial and considerate and, knowingly, he never wronged an individual. His patience was remarkable cause to resent an injustice done him. In fact, his practice throughout his business life evinced the impulses of a man governed by the highest understanding of business integrity and the determination to do right to the best of his ability. He never forgot old friends, nor ever attained to such an eminence that he considered it beyond his dignity to extend a friendly hand and give a kindly greeting to an acquaintance, no matter what might be his garments of the condition of his toil-worn hand.
In recalling the different events of Mr. O'Day's 18 years of citizenship at Lima, nothing is found to his discredit; and on the other hand the list is long of honors bestowed and of the most public-spirited men who ever resided in a city which has been particularly fortunate in this regard. A reputable charity can not be named which was denied his assistance; a large amount of his largest, however, was bestowed unostentatiously, and on many occasions the helping hand was extended without the recipient knowing from what source came the lifting of heavy financial burdens. It gave Mr. O'Day keen pleasure to thus regulate his charities.
To home enterprises Mr. O'Day was more than liberal in his contributions. He was one of the most actively interested citizens in assisting in the founding of the Lima Hospital, of which he became a trustee at its organization and continued one until his decease, ever looking after its interests. He assisted materially in establishing a free Public Library at Lima, and by advice and funds made it a real charity and one deeply and widely appreciated. He was a member of the board of directors of The First National Bank of Lima, and his name gave added strength to the corporation. He was a charter member of the Lima Club and in that, as in other organizations where he met his fellowmen on an equal footing, his judgment was consulted and his wishes considered. Men were proud to know him and cherished his friendship.
In 1882 Daniel J. O'Day and Catherine Griffin, of Olean, New York, were united in marriage. Mrs. O'Day and their daughter, Catherine E., survive the deceased and continue to reside in Lima.
For some two years prior to his death, Mr. O'Day had been in a physical decline, so in the hope of regaining health, with his wife and young daughter, he made a leisurely tour of the European continent. Upon his return his health was apparently so improved that his family and friends seemed warranted in their anticipation however, disquieting symptoms became apparent and a sojourn in Florida was made, but even that mild climate was insufficient to check the ravages the disease had already made. Hence his departure from life came in his own luxurious home, in the midst of all the comforts and alleviations which love could suggest, with his beloved wife and adored child by his side as he journeyed into the dark valley. The solemn end came as the bright sun of a beautiful Sabbath day broke over the landscape.
From his coming to Lima until his death, Mr. O'Day was a devoted in his church relationship. He was a Roman Catholic, was a valued member of the St. Rose Catholic Church at Lima and for a number of years prior to his death, had been a member of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, Branch No. 64, and of Lima Council, No, 436, Knights of Columbus.
Mr. O'Day rose step by step, as has been briefly outlined. Others have done the same but few there are whose passing can be recalled with so little mar a perfect, manly life. His true memorial is written in the hearts and memories of his fellow citizens. The influence of his life cannot be lost as long as men honor integrity, virtue and devotion to duty.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906