Ohio Biographies

Scott Neely

Scott Neely, of Allentown, is one of the best known residents of German township. He was born August 3, 1861, in German township, Allen County, Ohio, and is still a resident of the township, his home farm containing 10 acres in section 24, while he is also the owner of a farm of 120 acres in section 23, besides property in the village of Allentown. Mr. Neely's parents were James and Mary Catherine (Barrick) Neely, both of whom were pioneers of Allen County. His grandfather, Thomas Neely, was born in Hanover, Germany, and was a boy in years when his parents became residents of Allen County. Scott Neely's maternal grandparents were William and Mary Barrick, of German township.

James Neely, our subject's father, was a volunteer in the Civil War, being in the service four years and eight months. He reared a family of seven children, all of whom are living, namely; Frank, William, Charles, Scott, Alice, wife of W. F, Rathell; Margaret, wife of Frank Kruse; and Ida May, who was first married to Col. E. Hains and after his death to J. L. Fantz.

Scott Neely is a man of resources, having been engaged in the number of enterprises in Allen County, and it would be difficult to say in which he has met with most success. He has bought and sold horses; he has been engaged in crying sales and is one of the best auctioneers in this vicinity; for more than 20 years he was engaged in hauling straw for the American Straw Board Company, of Lima, and when the plant of that company was destroyed by fire, it was Mr. Neely who was selected out of a crowd of 70 men to act as foreman at a good salary to oversee the laborers in their work of tearing down the ruins. Since then he has bought a hay-baler and buys up hay and straw which he bales and ships to all parts of the country. He also sells wood, which is cut and hauled from his own land. His farm is known as the old T. T. Mitchell farm. While Mr. Neely operates the farm, he has leased the oil privileges to Thomas Mitchell, of Lima.

Mr. Neely was first married December 31, 1883, to Sarah Bruner, daughter of Martin and Sarah Bruner, of Auglaize County. She died October 30, 1886, leaving two children, Clem, who was born August 17, 1884, and lives at home; and Neva Etta, born September 16, 1887, who married A. T. Whyman in June, 1903, lives in Wapakoneta, Ohio, and has two children Opal Beatrice and Ola May. On January 5. 1897, Mr. Neely was married to Lydia Cary, daughter of Henry and Rebecca Cary. Her father was born in Hanover, Germany, and came to America when six years old locating in Allen County, Ohio. The children of the second marriage were as follows: Cary May, born September 4, 1897; Cecil Marie, born February 27, 1899; Lester Lloyd, born February 27, 1901; Russell Earl, born April 20, 1903; and Oliver, born April 17, 1905. Mr. Neely is a Democrat. At present he is serving on the School Board. He is a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Allentown and is treasurer of the Epworth League and of the Sunday-school. He was formerly president of the Epworth League and has been an efficient teacher in the Sunday-school for the past 10 years. Fraternally he is a member of Solar Lodge, No. 783, I. O. O. F., of Lima.



