Ohio Biographies

Zalmon R. Mason

Zalmon R. Mason, a prominent farmer of Bath township, whose farm is located in section 16, was born March 2, 1839, in one of the first log houses erected in this township. His parents were Jarvis and Elizabeth (Hall) Mason, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Rome, N. Y. They were married in New York , and in 1834 came to Allen County, Ohio, settling in section 16, Bath township, where Jarvis Mason cleared 160 acres of school land, which he rented several years before he finally became its purchaser. He died in 1854 at the age of 65 years. He was one of a family of seven brothers and three sisters. His wife survived him many years and died at the advanced age of 96 years, after rearing a family of 15 children, who were as follows: Eliza, widow of A. S. Harrington; Henry F., deceased; Laura, widow of George Long; Jane, widow of Dr. Nathaniel Hartshorn; Janette, widow of John Shinnalerny; Julia, deceased; Eugene, deceased; Sumner, deceased; Alden, deceased; Elizabeth, widow of James Boyd; Zalmon R.; Marquis D., of Bath township; Sarah H., who died in early life; Nancy A., wife of Philip Roach, of Bath township; and Sarah H., who married James H. Neely and resides west of Lima.

Zalmon R. Mason lived on the home place until about his 20th year, when he went to Wood County and there engaged in farming, at first on rented land. Later he bought 40 acres of timber land in that county, paying therefore the sum of $400, and a few years afterwards he traded it for 65 acres in Williams County. This in turn was sold and Mr. Mason returned to Allen County, where he bought 50 acres which was afterwards traded for the property on which he now resides. This tract contains 85 acres and has been the home of Mr. Mason for 23 years, most of the improvements having been effected here by him. He formerly owned another tract of 80 acres which he sold to his two sons, 40 to each.

Mr. Mason has been twice married; first, in 1858, to Maria Angus, who was born in Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, June 16, 1838, and was a daughter of Jacob and Katherine (Monshire) Angus. She died in 1877, leaving nine children, namely: Jeanette, who was a successful school teacher for 10 years and is now the wife of William Wright, of Monroe township; Sumner F., of Bath township; Reuben, deceased; Franklin E., of Monroe township, who has been a teacher since he was 17 years of age and who is now a member of the Board of County School Examiners; Charles Edward, of Bath township, who has been a teacher since his early manhood; Ida, deceased; Jessie L., deceased; and Irving Hayes, who taught school for some time and is now township clerk. In 1878 Mr. Mason was married to Elizabeth Kidd, who was born in Monroe township, June 2, 1839, and was a daughter of Nat G. and Rhoda (Jennings) Kidd, the former born in 1811 and now a resident of Monroe township. To the second union was born one child, William Z., who died at the age of seven years. Mr. Mason is a Republican and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has served as assessor of the township and has always stood well with his fellow-citizens. He was formerly a member of the Methodist Church but is now identified with the United Brethren.



