Ohio Biographies

Joseph R. Marshall

Joseph R. Marshall, one of the highly esteemed citizens of Lima, now living retired from business activity in his pleasant and attractive home at No. 731 West High street, has been identified with this city for the past 30 years. He was born in Champaign County, Ohio, in 1839, and is a son of Richard B. and Emily (Bartlett) Marshall.

Richard B Marshall was born in Fairfax County, Virginia. In 1840 he came to Allen County and entered a 40 acre tract of land in the woods, where the growth was so dense that he was obliged to clear a spot before he could erect his log cabin. He became one of the leading farmers of the county. He married Emily Bartlett, who belonged to the Virginia Bartlett, and they reared a family of 11 children, the survivors being: Thomas B., a farmer of Perry township; Malinda, wife of Jacob Stevenson, of Perry township; William, formerly a soldier of the Civil War, now a resident of Lima; Mary, widow of Peter Tracy, of Lima; Hamilton, also a survivor of the Civil War and a resident of Lima; and Joseph R., of this record.

Joseph R. Marshall was an infant when his parents came to Allen County. He was reared on his father's farm and was educated in the district schools. Early in the eventful year of 1861 the young man offered his services to his country, enlisting in Company D, 54th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., and was mustered into the army at Camp Dennison. His regiment was hurried to the front and participated in the battle of Shiloh, where Mr. Marshall had the misfortune to be so severely wounded as to necessitate his final return home and retirement from the service for some months. In 1864 he reenlisted, entering Company A, 180th Reg., Vol. Inf., which was sent first to Camp Chase and then through Tennessee, where it remained encamped for three months before being transferred to Camp Stoneman, Washington, D. C. The service given was mainly guard duty. The regiment then went to New Bern, North Carolina, and thence to Wilmington in time to participate in the battle there. Mr. Marshall was taken ill at this place and spent some two months in the New Bern Hospital, three weeks at Fort Schuyler, New York, and was then sent to Columbus, where he was honorably discharged in August, 1865. During his second service he held the rank of 4th corporal. He belonged to a patriotic family, two of his brothers also giving their services in defense of their country.

Upon his return from the army, Mr. Marshall engaged in farming in Perry township, where he remained until he moved to Lima, where he engaged in a successful real estate business for 22 years. He has also been a notary public.

On May 29, 1872, Mr. Marshall was married to Emma C. Bitner, who is a daughter of Adam Bitner, of Indiana. They have one daughter, Gertrude, a resident of Lima. Mr. Marshall and family belong to Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. He is one of the leading members of Mart Armstrong Post, No. 202, G. A. R., of which he has been both senior and junior vice-commander. In 1863, when home from the war he was elected 1st lieutenant of Company K, Second Reg., Ohio National Guard, and for some years was quite interested in military affairs of a local nature. Mr. Marshall is one of Lima's substantial and representative men.



