Ohio Biographies

Isaac Snively Motter

Isaac Snively Motter was born in 1852 at Williamsport, Maryland. He received his early education in public and private schools of his native county, and later entered Roanoke College, Virginia, where he remained five years, graduating in 1872 from that distinguished institution of learning. Mr. Motter began the study of the law quite early in life. After most careful research in the various branches of learning leading up to the study of the law, he began active study with Col. George Schley, at Hagerstown, Maryland. He was admitted to practice at the bar in the State of Maryland in 1877.

In 1881 Mr. Motter came to Lima, his future home. Under the State laws of Ohio, he was required to be reexamined to enter upon the practice of the law. Accordingly he appeared before the Supreme Court in 1881, and upon examination was admitted to practice in Ohio. On October 20th of the same year, he formed a law partnership with Hon. W. L. Mackenzie, under the firm name of Motter & Mackenzie. The firm has long been regarded one of the strongest law firms in Lima, and its practice is both wide in range ad lucrative.

In 1887 Mr. Motter was elected prosecuting attorney of the county of Allen and entered upon the duties of that important office in January, 1888, filling the position successfully in every way for six consecutive years. In 1894 he was chairman of the Democratic County executive committee in which capacity he conducted one of the most important campaigns of the county, bringing to Lima as speakers no less distinguished men that Senator Calvin S. Brice and Ex-Governor David B. Hill, of New York. Mr. Motter has always been more or less active in Democratic politics. He has always taken a deep interest in affairs of the State and nation, and is one of the best posted men in the country upon State and national affairs.

In 1886 Mr. Motter was most happily united in marriage to Harriet Amelia Meily. They have one child, Benjamin Snively, born in 1893, who is bright, prepossessing boy interested in his studies, with a great future before him.

Mr. Motter is an active member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and of the Free and Accepted Masons, choosing Garrett Wykoff Lodge as his Masonic home. He is an active member pf the Lutheran Church, and has been for many years superintendent of the Sunday-school of that church organization. The confidence which the public has in Mr. Motter is further shown by the fact that he was selected as president of the Lima Library Association, which position he fills with signal ability.

Mr. Motter is widely read in many department of literature; he is a refined and cultured orator, frequently called upon for addresses upon moral and scholastic topics. As an advocate he is one of the strongest in the country, making a personal appeal that goes direct to the hearts of the jurors and the judge. He is recognized as one of Allen County's staunchest citizens always found battling for the right.



