Ohio Biographies

Rev. Alfred Edward Manning

Rev. Alfred Edward Manning, pastor of the church of St. Rose, at Lima, is a man whose learning and piety make him a power in the community, with exceptional gifts as an orator and spiritual leader, he has also shown himself an able administrator and has looked well to the material advancement of the parishes over which he has been called to preside. Father Manning was born September 1, 1856, in St. Patrick's parish, Cleveland, Ohio, and is a son of Thomas and Jane E. (Murray) Manning.

Thomas Manning was born in Ireland but he left his native land at the age of 14 years in order to enter the great machine shops at Glasgow, Scotland. There he was trained to be a skilled engineer and he later enjoyed the distinction of being the engineer who handled the engines of one of the first steamers which crossed the Atlantic ocean. He settled first at Boston but later lived in Cleveland, where he carried on an extensive manufacturing business during the remainder of his active life. For some years prior to his death he lived retired. He reared a family of 13 children.

Father Manning was educated in the parochial schools of St. John's Cathedral, Cleveland, and in St. Mary's Seminary of the West, at Cincinnati. In September, 1874, he entered the Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, Niagara Falls, New York. After completing his classical course he entered St. Mary's Seminary at Cleveland, in September, 1876, and after five years' study of philosophy and theology was there ordained priest by Rt. Rev. R. Gilmour, on July 2, 1881. On July 7th of that year he was appointed pastor of St. Mary's Church at Antwerp, Ohio, this field including the missions of Cecil, Emerald, Junction Flat Rock, Hicksville, Mark Centre and Delaware Bend. When the spring of 1883 he was transferred to St. Mary's at Clyde, he left behind him a remarkable aggregation of substantial results. He had enlarged and improved the churches of Antwerp and Hicksville, paid the debts of the churches at Delaware Bend and Junction, purchased and paid for a cemetery at Cecil, organized the mission and purchased land for cemetery, church and pastoral residence in Payne and had the church plastered and entirely out of debt.

Father Manning's success in his next field was a repetition of his former accomplishments. When he took charge of the church at Clyde, with its mission at Green Spring, he found a debt of $2,000 at Clyde and one of $900 at Green Spring. By 1886 the latter was paid. In the same year the corner-store was laid for the beautiful Church of our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Clyde, and by 1890 the church was frescoed and almost ready for use, its cost over $10,000 being practically paid. In February of that year Father Manning was called to be pastor of St. Ann, at Fremont, and here again blessings seemed to fall on parish and priest.

Father Manning said his first mass in the Church of St. Rose, of Lima, November 19, 1893. He then promised his people to serve them faithfully, and this promise he has kept in full measure. He has not only a powerful hold on the mass of his congregation but also on the thinking men of this body, and has a quiet method of inspiring enthusiasm which has brought about great material as well as spiritual prosperity. Personally he is beloved and reverenced.



