Ohio Biographies

Alexander Hamilton McCoy

Alexander Hamilton McCoy, deceased, was born in Madison County, Ohio, October 18, 1831, and died at his home, located in section 24, Shawnee township, Allen County, June 15, 1905. After a brief illness of one week. he was laid to rest in Shawnee Cemetery after impressive services by Rev. James Mount, of Van Wert, who was pastor when Mr. McCoy united with the church in 1861, and Rev. J. H. Smith. of Allentown, a former teacher of his children. His death was a serious loss to the community and one from which is will be long in recovering. A man of strong character, sterling worth and uncompromising principles of honor, he was unostentatious and preferred doing his many deeds of kindness in a quiet and unnoticeable manner, thus following the precepts of the Master. He was a Republican and a prohibitionist who based his theories of facts devolved from a careful study of the situation. He was a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal Church to which he was a liberal contributor both of his time and his means.

His parents were David W. and Esther (Gillespie) McCoy, the former a native of West Virginia, born in 1805, and the latter a native of New York. They were married in Fayette County, Ohio, in 1830, and in 1837 located in section 26, Ridge Township, Van Wert County, where David W. McCoy had entered 360 acres of government land. There were few white families in the township at that time and their family was reared in true pioneer manner. There were four children, viz: Alexander H., the subject of these memoirs; Sarah Jane, deceased wife of Enoch Longsworth; William C., a resident of Rockford, Ohio; and Eleanor, a widow of David Harnly, of Van Wert, Ohio.

Alexander Hamilton McCoy came to Allen County in 1883 in the month of October, and engaged in farming and carpentering. He was married March 7, 1861, to Margaret A. Maltbie, of Lafayette, Allen County. Mrs. McCoy was born in Centerville, Montgomery County, Ohio, and is the daughter of Rev. Harrison and Susannah (Dowling) Maltbie. To Mr. and Mrs. McCoy were born seven children, namely: David Harrison, who married Mollie Whyman, of Spencerville, and resides on the State road; Jennie, wife of Charles Adgate Hover and the mother of two children--Myra Ethel and Harry Howard; Josephine, wife of Charles Edman, who resides near Hume---they have one child, Velma Lenora; George Albert, who married Ada Roberts, of Van Wert, and has three children, Jesse Ralph, Russell and Margaret-- they live on the old McCoy farm; Sias Arthur, who lives at home; Myra Luella, who died at the age of seven years; and Francis Maltbie, who married Edith Peters, of Henry, Illinois, and has charge of the home farm.

Benjamin Maltbie, the grandfather of Mrs. McCoy, came from Connecticut to Montgomery County, Ohio, where her father, Harrison Maltbie, was born and reared a short distance below Dayton. He attended Lane Seminary on Walnut Hill, Cincinnati, walking a distance of five miles daily, that he might unravel the mysteries of the Greek and Latin languages. It was not his good fortune to graduate from this school, however, as an epidemic of cholera caused a cessation of studies. For several years he was engaged in teaching in Centerville and other places and then took up the work of the ministry, in which he was wonderfully successful. He preached at various places, including St. Marys, Leipsic, Hardin, Delphos, Wapakoneta and other points. In 1847, either in January or February, he brought his family to Allen County where he had entered a large tract of land some three years before. With the exception of a few years, this was his home from that time until his death and is now the home of his daughter, our subject. He lived with Mr. and Mrs. McCoy from 1889 to May 27,1892, when the star of his life sank low behind the western hills of life's horizon to shine with increase luster in the vale beyond. To his union with Susanna Dowling were born three children, viz: Silas Benjamin, a minister of the Gospel, who lives in Baltimore, Maryland; William Frances, who died May 5, 1905; and Margaret A. (McCoy). His second union was with Nancy Jane Wilkerson, by whom he had two children: James Hiram, who died in his fifth year, and Thomas A., who resides in Lima. His third marriage with Emily Jane Wilkerson, a cousin of his second wife, resulted in the birth of one child which died in infancy. He was married again to Ann Moore.

Mrs. Margaret A. McCoy is a most estimable lady, whose pleasing personality has made her friends wherever she is known. In the church her unselfish devotion to the cause of right has made her an example well worthy of emulation, while as a wife and mother she is without a peer. 


From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Part 2, Edited & Compiled by Charles C. Miller, Ph. D.; Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906



