Ohio Biographies

Charles M. and F. M. Leach

Leech & Leech, the leading firm of architects at Lima, is composed of two brothers, Charles M. and F. M. Leech, son of William F. Leech, of 1015 Rice avenue, Lima. Both were born in Allen County.

William F. Leech, the father, was born in Pennsylvania. For many years he has been a leading contractor here, and his work is found all over the city, represented by handsome residences and stately buildings. He built the First Congregational Church, and also the Boone Block, the latter a fine example of a well-planned business building. A soldier in the Civil War, he wore the Union blue all through that stormy time as a member of Company F, 14th Reg., Pennsylvania Vol. Inf., with the rank of corporal. Immediately after the close of his honorable service, he came to Lima which has been his place of residence ever since. Frank M. Leech was reared and educated in Allen County and served an apprenticeship to the carpenter's trade. For several years prior to 1896, when his present partnership was formed, he was in business as a contractor. In 1891 he married Mary T. Hursh, who is a daughter of John Hursh, a large contractor of Mansfield, Ohio. They have two children Clara and Marjorie. The family belongs to Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, and Mr. Leech has served as a member of the official board. Politically he is a Republican, and is a member of the Republican County Central Committee. Fraternally he belongs to the Knights of Pythias and to the Royal Arcanum.

Charles M. Leech was born in Allen County, June 2, 1866, where he was reared an educated. In 1890 he went to Columbus and while there he was acting superintendent for John Flynn, the architect. In 1893 he began in the architectural line himself, forming a partnership under the firm name of Leech & Thomas, which continued until he came to Lima in 1896 and, in association with his brother, formed the partnership of Leech & Leech. In 1892 he married Olive M. Sherrick, who is a daughter of the late Noah Sherrick, whose father was one of the old pioneers of Allen County. They have one son Donald. Mr. Leech is an active member of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a stockholder in the American Manufacturing Company, of Mattoon, Illinois. Both he and his brother are men of sterling character, dependable in all business transactions and skilled in their profession.

Since the formation of their firm, the leading one of the city, Leech & Leech have drawn the plans and superintended the erection of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Presbyterian Church at Portland, Ohio; Methodist Episcopal Memorial Church at Van Wert, Mount Horeb Church in Van Wert County, South Lima Baptist Church, German Baptist Church at Lima, Wesley Methodist Episcopal Chapel near Lima, Disciples' Church at Mannington, West Virginia, and numerous other churches at different points. Other buildings of various kinds have been erected all over the State, including a town hall at Beaver Dam and one at Lafayette. In Lima they have done a great deal of work, recently finishing Dr. Bennett's apartment house on West Market street, and have submitted plans for important work in 1906. which will include two or three blocks at Bluffton, the hospital for contagious disease at Lima, and building in many of the neighboring counties.



