Ohio Biographies

Adam C. Lackey

Adam C. Lackey, a well-known stock buyer of Allen County, is also an agriculturist of more than ordinary ability, who owns two well-improved farms in Monroe township, one in section 22 containing 86 acres, and the other in sections 24 and 27, containing 77 acres. Mr. Lackey was born on his father's old homestead, September 18, 1861, and is a son of William and Diadama (Hall) Lackey. The grandfather was Alexander Lackey, a Pennsylvania Dutchman, who died leaving two young sons, William and Alexander, both of whom came to Allen County. Alexander afterwards moved to Indiana, where he died.

William Lackey was born in the State of Pennsylvania, September 18, 1818, and was still young when he came to Ohio and located in Tuscarawas County. There he was married to Diadama Hall, who was born in Maryland in December 1828. They lived in Tuscarawas County until after the birth of their second child when the came to Allen County; here they spent the remainder of their lives. William Lackey was a wagon-maker by trade and also a successful teacher, both in this and in Tuscarawas County; but in his later years he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and was the owner of 110 acres of land in Monroe township. He was a man of deep religious convictions and an earnest worker in the Methodist Church. In earlier life a Republican, he later espoused the cause of prohibition and was a loyal supporter of that policy until his death. He passed his 85th mile-stone when his summons came. His wife, who survived him about one year, dying October 31, 1904, did not quite reach her 76th year. Upright and honorable in all things, they reared their children to lives of usefulness and honor, inculcating those principles which have made the name Lackey universally respected. The family consisted of nine children, viz.: John, who died when about 40 years of age, leaving a widow and six children; Martha Jane (Brown), of Lima; William Hall, of Michigan; Sarah (Wright), of Paulding County; Alice (Snyder), of Paulding County; James, also of Paulding County; Adam; Henry and one child that died in infancy.

Adam Lackey remained with his parents until his 23rd year, when he purchased 40 acres of woodland in Paulding County, living there for two years and clearing about 20 acres of it. Selling that property, he then purchased 66 acres in section 22, afterwards adding another 20 which he still owns, and upon which he lived until 1902. Moving to West Cairo, he engaged in buying and shipping stock for several years, and then moved to his present farm where he is now engaged in general farming and in handling stock. Mr. Lackey is a Republican. He is a member of Bethel Grove Methodist Episcopal Church of which he is a steward.

In 1886 our subject married Emma Augsburger by whom he has two children, Jason Carl and Gale Juanita. Mrs. Lackey was born in Richland township, this county, January 1, 1862, and is a daughter of Louis and Margaret (Wise) Augsburger, both of whom were natives of Germany and came to this country with their parents.



