Ohio Biographies

Abraham Philander Kiplinger

Abram Philander Kiplinger, the well-known horticulturist of Perry Township, has a productive fruit farm of 67 aces in section 27, where he raises the most delicious fruits to be found in this part of the State. Mr. Kiplinger was born in Clark County, Ohio, near the city of Springfield, December 21, 1843, and is a representative of one of the oldest families in the State. His parnets were Philip and Mahala (Shockey) Kiplinger and his grandparents, Daniel and Elizabeth (Pence) Kiplinger. The family was founded in America more than 200 years ago and its members have been residents of Ohio for more than a century, the great-grandfather of our subject having settled in Clark County where his remains were laid to rest.

Daniel Kiplinger was a native of Virginia, whence he came by ox team to Clark County and where he died April 8, 1867, at the age of 74 years. His wife, Elizabeth Pence, was also a native of Virginia. They entered 300 acres of land in Clark County, and some idea of the honorable character of the man may be gleaned from the following endorsement which is found on the deed to the property: " I this day walked to Cincinnati to make final payment of one dollar and fifty cents on this land." A man whose conscientious scruples would induce him to walk that distance to dischargeso paltry a debt certainly left the impress of his nobility upon his descendants, while he himself was held in the highest esteem. He reared four children Jacob, Daniel, Philip and Elizabeth, who married a Mr. Loudebach.

Philip Kiplinger was born in January, 1804, in the Luray Valley, Virginia. When a child of two years his parents removed to Ohio, and farm in Clark County. He was a member of the State militia and acted as guard against the Indians at Fort Defiance. He married Mahala Shockey who was born in Kentucky, October 29, 1806. Her parents were William and --(Casseldine) Shockey, of North Carolna, who bore their part in the frontier Indian wars of Kentucky. In addition to doing her housework and rearing a family of 15 children, she wove the cloth which she afterward made into their garments, and, when her husband was away from home, assumed his work, even to the extent of sawing lumber. She died January 2, 1887, leaving behind a blessed memory. The children of Philip Kiplinger and his wife were as follows: Daniel, a resident of Lima; William, James and Louisa, deceased; Elizabeth (Senseman) and Hannah (Moles) twins; John Wesley, who died in infancy; Wesley Harrison; Isaac Emory, deceased; Samuel, who died of smallpox in the Civil War; Philip Anthony and Joseph Conray, twins the former a resident of Louisiana and the latter, of Findlay, Ohio; Abram Philander; Lucetta Caroline, who married Rev. A. J. Fish; and Brazellas Franklin, who died in Springfield, Ohio, at the age of 54 years.

Abram P. Kiplinger attended the common schools and remained at home until his 18th year, when, in January, 1862, he enlisted for service in the Civil War, as a member of Company E, 60th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf. At Harper's Ferry he was taken prisoner and later sent to Chicago on parole, remaining there seven weeks until his term of enlistment had expired. Re-enlisting in Company H, 32nd Ohio Regiment, he became a member of the Third Brigade, Fourth Division, 17th Army Corps, under the command of General Blair and was sent to Vicksburg where he joined a command detailed for guard duty. He returned home on a veteran's furlough for 30 days, and, after he had recuperated and visited relatives and friends, once more sought the scene of army activities. He first went to Cairo, where he took a steamer to Clifton, Tennessee, and thence assume a wearing march which only terminated when General Sherman's army was reached near Atlanta. The siege of Atlanta continued 120 days and on the 22d of July, 1864, from 11 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock at night the contest was a hand-to-hand fight between the contending forces, the latter part of the engagement being fought in darkness. In this fierce engagement Mr. Kiplinger'sregiment lost 140 men, but it was the beginning of the end of that great struggle. In October a 300 mile dash was made after General Hood, which ended in the latter's army being scattered and broken up. After this came the memorable "March to the Sea." The army left Marietta, Georgia, with 70,000 head of cattle, which were to furnish fresh meat for the men of the march; but, like the marches, the meat was tough and little enjoyed by the weary soldiers. Leaving Savannah after a three-weeks' stay there, the army made a 55 days' march through the Carolinas, covering a distance of 550 miles by way of Columbia, which they burned. Then on through Orangeburg to Raleigh, being compelled to wade through swamps in order to reach the Rebels, who felt secure in the belief that the undertaking would be too great for the Yankees to attempt. At Raleigh the last fight with Johnston occurred, the soldiers marching thence to Washington where the Grand Review was held. After going into camp at Louisville, they went to Columbus where they were discharged.

Mr. Kiplinger was a carpenter by trade, and he now returned to that occupation, for 17 years being engaged in that calling in Lima. In September, 1883, he moved to his present residence in Perry Township where he has 67 acres of land and devotes his time to farming and fruit-raising. Mr. Kiplinger has given especial and successful attention to cultivating strawberries and small fruits and vegetables.

Mr. Kiplinger was married June 23, 1868, to Orissa Kelsey, buy whom he has three children Velora, Ella and Ethel. Velora was born December 1, 1869, and is the wife of Milliard Winegardner and the mother of three children Imogene, Doyle and Lester L. Ella was born March 7, 1874, and married A. C. Smith, of Auglaize County. Their children are Beatrice and Albert Nolen. Ethel was born September 26, 1884, and married Doc. Horn, October 25, 1905. Mrs. Kiplinger is a native of Vermont and was born September 5, 1848. Her parents were Elias and Mary Ann (Gilbert) Kelsey, the father a native of Vermont and the mother of Plainsfield, New Hampshire. Her maternal ancestors were "Mayflower" pilgrims; her grandfather Kelsey and grandfather Gilbert took part in the war of 1812, and her great- grandfather Kelsey was a soldier in the Revolution. Mr. and Mrs. Kiplinger are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and are consistent Christian people. Mr. Kiplinger is a prominent member of the G. A. R. and a stanch Republican.



