Ohio Biographies

Richard E. Jones

Hon. Richard E. Jones, M. D. may be aptly referred to as the "Grand Old Man." When this title is bestowed, it it conferred on one who is not only eminent in one or more direction, but whose life, achievements and character appeal to all that is best and highest in human nature. Hon. Richard E. Jones, M. D., is the "Grand Old Man" of Gomer, where, for half a century he has gone in and out among his fellow-men, ministering to them in sickness, advising them in trouble, defending them with ripe judgment in business complications, representing them with dignity and fidelity in the Legislature, and setting them in high example in his interpretation of Christian life and fellowship. Dr. Jones is not an American by birth, but he is one by development. Although in accord with American ideas and institutions, his heart still fondly turns to the homestead at Tawelfan, Llanbrynmair, Montgomeryshire, North Wales, where he was born on April 19, 1834. His parents were William and Mary (Evans) Jones, names familiar to every Welshman.

William Jones, the father, was born at Tymayr, North Wales, and lived to be 90 years old, dying in Allen County, Ohio, a man generally respected and esteemed. In April, 1848, William Jones decided to emigrate to America with his little family, and hence took passage on the sailing vessel bearing the friendly name of "William Penn." After a more or less trying voyage of eight weeks on the Atlantic Ocean, the strangers were landed at Philadelphia, with a long journey by rail, river and canal still before them ere they could reach their destination in Allen County. In time the father acquired a half-section of land and throughout his entire active life was an agriculturist. He was interested in the founding and supporting of the Welsh Congregational Church at Gomer, and for many years was one of its deacons. He married Mary Evans, who was born in North Wales, and survived her husband but two years, dying at the age of 79. The three children of this union were: Richard E. ; William, a resident of Lima; and Mary, who died unmarried.

Richard E. Jones was a bright, intelligent youth of 14 years when the family reached Sugar Creek township and settled on the selected farm, some seven miles north of Lima. He readily recalls the pioneer surroundings and the wild state of the country between Delphos and Gomer, wagon tracks taking the place of roads, this condition of affairs making transportation during bad weather almost an impossibility. He remained with his father for about two years, assisting on the farm until the second son could take his place, and then turned his attention to the study of medicine, an ambition he had long cherished. About 1851 he became a student under Dr. Monroe, at Vaughnsville, and under his direction continued his professional reading through some four years, afterward attending the medical lectures and pursuing the course at Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, from which he was graduated in February, 1856.

The year of 1855 was one of unusual sickness in this locality and, in dating the beginning of his practice, Dr. Jones may justly name this year, during which he probably was kept as busy in visiting patients all over the township as for any like period in his career. Dr. Jones has always been a general practitioner and a close student, having been very active in the diffusion of medical knowledge. He was one of the early promoters of medical societies in the county, is a member of various medical organizations throughout the State, and for a number of years served as president and secretary of the Northwestern Ohio Medical Association. Outside of his profession, he has served on many civic bodies, and has taken a prominent part in business and social life. For a long period he has been one of the directors of The First National Bank of Lima. When the Elida Pioneer Society was organized 12 years ago, he was naturally chosen as its president. It is probably the largest organization of the kind in the State, having an attendance of about 10,000 at its annual meetings, which are looked upon in the light of most enjoyable events. The Elida Pioneer Society held a notable meeting on August 11, 1904, and in the list of its officers may be found the names of the leading men of importance in Allen County, beginning with the president, Dr. R. E. Jones.

Dr. Jones has always been identified with the Democratic party, casting his first presidential vote for James Buchanan. For 42 years he served as treasurer of Sugar Creek township, during 40 years of this period being obliged to contend with a large Republican majority in the township, but his personal popularity has always been so great that in any contest where he has been concerned party lines have been entrely ignored. He served two terms in the General Assembly, demonstrating there his ability as a statesman, and but adding to the confidence and trust which his fellow-citizens already reposed him. For 57 years he has been a member of the Welsh Congregational Church at Gomer and has been one of its most liberal supporters and useful members. During the erection of two church edifices and the remodeling of one, he has served on the building committee, his care and judgment being the means of obtaining the best results through the least possible expenditure. Dr. Jones has never married; seemingly he has so given his life and energies to those who have needed his services as to ignore the possible possession of a domestic circle of his own. While he has acceptably filled many positions, he has always been first and foremost a physician, and as such has borne many of the heaviest burdens of the community for more than two-score years. Between him and those to whom he has ministered so faithfully exists a sentiment much deeper than confidence and esteem; for his faithfulness in times of trouble and distress, his heroic efforts to save life, of to prolong it, and his deep, warm sympathy when all his skill, experience and learning could not combat disease, are so well known that herein lies the feeling with which his fellow townsmen regard him. Admired as he is as a physician, he is beloved and reverenced as a man. In him the weak and friendless, the humble and the obscure, have found as true and faithful a friend and physician, as have those whose lives of affluence and ease have not prevented the inroads of disease or the grip of affliction. That Dr. Jones, with his multitudinous interests, his private friendships and public tasks should have remained the same kind, unobtrusive, gentle mannered citizen, accessible to everyone ready to freely give himself, his time, his money, his skill might surprise a stranger, but to those who know him best, this is but an example of what they have always found and is one reason why he is the "Grand Old Man."

On June 11,1904, dawned the sun on the 70th birth year of Gomer's best loved citizen. The day and its significance had not escaped him, but he had no conception of the manner in which it was to be celebrated by his fellow- citizens and friends, even in far-off Wales. It has been the editor's privilege to peruse the glowing accounts published in the Ohio journals, and it seems but a fitting close to this imperfect biography to speak at length of the interesting events of that notable day.

Dr. Jones has a beautiful home, set in handsome grounds surrounded by shrubbery and, in season, by beautiful flowers, cared for by Edith Jones, the admirable lady who presides here her uncle's homemaker and often his almoner. When his birthday was approaching, Miss Jones, with Dr. Davis, a partner of 42 years, and several very near and dear friends, began to plan a little surprise for the beloved Doctor, with the intention of offering some entertainment at his home to those of his closest friends who would be delighted with an opportunity to do him honor of his closest friends who would be delighted with an opportunity to do him honor on his natal day. By the time Miss Jones, and those with whom she consulted, had remembered 1,500 names, the project had assumed such proportions that the original idea was changed and the elaborate celebration was planned which later took place. An honorary committee composed of these citizens undertook the task of sending out invitations: Dr. S. A. Baxter, Lima; A. M. Bushey, Gomer; Rev. R. Lloyd Roberts, Gomer Dr. Frank D. Bain, Kenton; Hon. S. D. Crites, Elida; Dr. C. B. Stemen, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Thomas H. Jones, Lima; Samuel T. Griffith, Cincinnati; Alexander Shenk, Delphos: Judge J. M. Pugh, Columbus; Hon. J. G. Roberts, Elida, corresponding secretary. This committee sent out 1,200 invitations; out of this number, only 64 letters and telegrams of regret were received, and they came from admiring friends in different sections of the United States and from across the Atlantic.

Gomer is essentially a settlement of Welsh pioneers who brought hither their habits of frugality and industry, their high ideals of right and wrong and their religious convictions. Here they have multiplied and flourished and, in large measure, retained the leading characteristics of their native land. From Gomer have gone out many men and women who have taken an honorable part in the country's affairs. On the day mentioned, all Gomer was in gala attire and the hole town was intersted in the celebration about to take place. The reception committee was composed of Miss Edith Jones, Mrs. Dr. John Davis, Mrs. William Price, Rev. R. Lloyd Roberts, Dr. C. B. Stemen and Hon. S. D. Crites. A bountiful feast had been prepared by hundreds of willing hands and after it had been enjoyed, Dr. S. A. Baxter, himself and honored and beloved citizen of Allen County, called the meeting to order a presiding officer. Then followed poems, speeches and the presentation of numberless beautiful gifts, all in such generous profusion, that the good Doctor's eges filled with moisture, and when his time came to speak to this great concourse which represented only a part of his friends, he found that his ready wit, his easy speech and confidence of manner, which had never deserted him before critical bodies in public and business life, failed him, to a degree, in the presence of a seemingly boundless affection. Restraining his emotion, however, he heartily thanked those who had met to do him so much honor, his closing remarks being: "You will pardon me if I am overwhelmed with emotion at seeing so many old and young friends. There are but few here, but those I know intimately. To these and to those who send regrets from all over this broad land, the land of my adoption, and schoolmates and friends of my boyhood days in my native land, my heart goes out to overflowing. The tokens of your esteem will be highly prized as long as I live, and this day will never be eliminated from my memory. May God bless you all." 

Dr. Baxter presented many notable people present, all of whom spoke at some length, expressing beautiful sentiments of admiration, appreciation and good will. Among these were; Hon. S. S. Wheeler, E. B. Walkup, Dr. Beardsley, Dr. William Enslen and Hon. John G. Roberts. The last speech on the program was a sincerely eulogistic one, made by an old friend and colleague of Dr. Jones, Dr. C. B. Stemen, of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Then with a touching prayer by Rev. I. J. Swanson and the singing of "Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow," this remarkable demonstration was officially at an end. The remainder of the beautiful day was spent in visiting and social reunions of a most agreeable character. Much beautiful music and rendered during and after the exercises. Dr. Jones possesses musical ability himself, as do almost all native Welshmen, and was an appreciative listener. The Republican Gazette, of Lima, spoke of Dr. Jones editorially as " one whose life has impressed itself indelibly upon the character of the community and indirectly upon the whole country. His life has been one worthy of emulation. The splendid demonstration was the legitimate and spontaneous outburst of gratitude from his friends and neighbors, in recognition of the beautiful life he has spent among them." The Times Democrat was no less eulogistic, the Columbus Grove Clipper also giving a long and interesting account of the celebration, with words of just praise. Among the beautiful gifts brought by friends and relatives as tokens of the day, may be mentioned: A handsome silk umbrella, a gold cane, a leather chair, a gold shaving mug and brush, a handsome chair of unique design i leather and rattan, a 24 section book-case, a clock, a filing case, a chair and a beautiful golden oak office desk of old English pattern. It was estimated that about 2,000 people participated in this celebration.



