Llewelyn Jones
Llewelyn Jones, funeral director and undertaker at Gomer, and also engaged in farming in Sugar Creek township, resides on his farm of 65 acres located in section 32, 45 acres of which belong to the old Jones homestead. Mr. Jones was born on this farm, March 17, 1856, and is a son of Josiah and Mary (Hughes) Jones.
Josiah Jones, whose portrait is shown on the opposite page, was born at Braichodnant, Llanbrynmair, North Wales, July 4, 1807. Prior to coming to America in 1850, he was a large woolen manufacturer in his native land. He settled in the town of Gomer, Allen County, Ohio, where he engaged to some extent in farming. His main business, however, was undertaking. His death took place October 15, 1887, at the age of 80 years and three months. In North Wales he married Mary Hughes, who died in September, 1889, aged 80 years. They had a family of eight children, as follows: Thomas, who died in infancy in Wales; Thomas Henry, the present treasurer of Allen County, whose sketch appears elsewhere in the work; Mary M., who married Israel Jones and died April 13, 1872; Annie C., who married Lewis Hughes, of Cincinnati, and died October 17, 1879; Josiah E., deceased April 13, 1886; Martha E., who resides with her brother Llewelyn on the old homestead; Margaret Lydia, deceased January 1, 1893; and Llewelyn, the subject of this sketch. Josiah Jones was for 45 years a deacon of the Welsh Congregational Church, of Gomer. He was very well educated, being especially conversant with the Welsh language and literature. He was also gifted as a poet and composed in Welsh a number of hymns, some of which are still being sung in the Gomer church and in many other Welsh churches in this country and in Wales. He wrote under the nom de plume of " Josiah Brynmair" his history of the Gomer church and settlement, written in Welsh and dating from the organization of the church to 1867, has been translated by his nephew, John R. Jones, and appears in the history of Sugar Creek township in Chapter VII of this work.
Llewelyn Jones has always lived on the homestead farm and for the past 35 years has carried on undertaking. He is the only funeral director in Sugar Creek Township and his calls come from all over the northern portion of Allen County and from neighboring counties as well. A part of the present farm of 45 acres belonged to the old homestead and Mr. Jones and his sister Martha bought 20 acres additional in section 33. They reside together, neither having married, and in the old home keep up many of the old Welsh customs of their parents. The large family has been reduced to three members. All are well and favorably known and are among the leading members of the Welsh Congregational Church of Gomer, of which the subject of this sketch as been a member since he was 12 years of age. He has never taken a very active part in politics, but votes with the Republican Party.
From History of Allen County, Ohio and Representative Citizens, Edited by Charles C. Miller. Richmond & Arnold, Publishers, Chicago, 1906