James A. Jacobs
James A. Jacobs, a prominent agriculturist of Perry township, residing in section 21, was born in Clinton County, Ohio, March 4, 1833, and is a representative of one of the oldest families in the State, the family having located in Warren County in 1802. His parents were John P. and Elizabeth (Hazard) Jacobs, and his grandparents were Jehu and Elizabeth (Kreitser) Jacobs, The Jacobs family were founded in America during early colonial days when the first ancestor came from England during the time of William Penn and settled in Pennsylvania. The Jacobs were Quakers in religion and lived in what was afterwards Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Here the great-grandfather, John Jacobs, was born during the latter part of the 18th century. He was a soldier of the Revolution and in 1812 located in Miami County, Ohio, where he lived until his death at the ripe old age of 95 years.
Jehu Jacobs was also a native of Pennsylvania while his wife, Elizabeth Kreitser, was from Holland. They came to Warren County, Ohio, in 1802, before the State had been admitted into the Union, and located on part of the land owned by Governor Morrow, of Ohio. This land was little more than a wilderness which had to be cleared before any farming could be done. They were industrious and persevering and, although they began life poor, they accumulated considerable means during their lives. Their children were Eliza, Samuel, John P., Ann, Samuel, and James J. The last named, who is an esteemed resident of Lima, is the only member of the family living. John P. Jacobs was born in Warren County, Ohio, June 3, 1806, and was there married in 1829 to Elizabeth Hazard, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Miller) Hazard, of Dutchess County New York. They were the parents of four children, viz: Elizabeth, who died in infancy; James A.; Phoebe D., widow of William Harrod and a resident of Auglaize County; and Ann, wife of John Harrod, both now deceased. In 1833 John P. Jacobs came to Allen County on a prospecting tour, and the following year brought his family, locating in Union township, which is now in Auglaize County. They were the seventh family possessing sufficient temerity to venture into the new country and the hardships and privations endured uncomplainingly by them cannot now be appreciated. In 1858 Mr. Jacobs moved to Perry township and lived in section 21 until April 2, 1880, when his wife died. Thereafter he made his home with our subject until his own death in February, 1888. He was a Democrat in politics and a man of strong conviction and resolute character.
James A. Jacobs remained at home until his 23rd year, when he spent two years in Auglaize County, returning in 1859 and settling on the homestead where he still lives. In 1862 he went to California and for about four years engaged in mining in that State, and in Washington and Idaho. The trip out was made by boat, but the return was on horseback with a party of about 20 other travelers. Mr. Jacobs has devoted the greater part of his life to farming. He has taken advantage, however, of the fact that his land lies in the oil belt and had 10 oil wells sunk on his farm, which are no inconsiderable source of income. Mr. Jacobs was married on April 17, 1856, to Martha J. Bitler, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Rumer) Bitler, of Union township, Auglaize County. Six children have been born to this marriage, viz: Elwin, John C., Samuel D., Charles D., William H. And Olive O. Elwin, born February 24, 1857, became the wife of F. M. Bacome (now deceased), by whom she had one chld, Frankie G. She was married, a second time, to Thomas P. Leatherman, of Auglaize Township. John C., born November 23, 1858, resides near his father. He married Luella French, daughter of George French, and is the father of two children, Jesse and Charles D. Samuel D., born October 28, 1860, lives at home. Charles D., born March 27, 1870, died in 1890. William H. was born March 3, 1872. Olive O., born October 2, 1874, is the wife of H. C.Franklin, whose biography appears on another page of this work. Mr. Jacobs is a Democrat and has held a number of township offices, serving as justice of the peace and assessor. He is a member of the Siskiou Lodge, No. 105, F. & A. M., having joined that order while in Siskiou County, California. In religious belief Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs are Universalists.