Ohio Biographies

Cassius M. Jolley

Cassius M. Jolley, one of Lima's most esteemed residents and older business men and also an honored veteran of the Civil War, was born in Marion County, Ohio, in 1844, and is a son of Elisha and Achsa (Davis) Jolley.

Elisha Jolley was a pioneer at Lima, coming here first from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1833. He remained but a short time, locating then in Marion County, but in 1845 he returned to Lima and engaged in a merchant tailoring business during the remainder of his active life. His wife was born in Ohio.

Cassius M. Jolley was only one year old when his parents came to Lima, and this city has been his settled home ever since, his absence form it being only during the years in which he was at the front as a soldier of the Civil War. He was one of the earliest to enlist after the first call for troops; during this term of three months he suffered so severe an injury to his foot that he was obliged to return home. About two years passed before the member was sufficiently strong to enable him a second time accepted and became identified with Company F, 32nd Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf., being mustered into the service at Columbus.

The 32nd Ohio immediately joined Sherman's army in the historic campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, taking part in the seige of the latter city. Mr. Jolley witnessed the mortal wounding of the brave and beloved General McPerson, and, as the regiment was under almost daily fire, saw many of his comrades fall. He was engaged with his company in the battles at Jonesboro and Bentonville, and participated in the Grand Review at Washington. He was mustered out at Louisville Kentucky, July 5, 1865.

Upon his return to Lima, Mr. Jolley immediately entered into business. For the first 12 years he engaged in making boots and shoes, then was interested in a grocery, and later in the manufacture of nitro-glycerin and in shooting oil-wells. For about 15 years he engaged in the manufacture, handling and use of that explosive without any accidents, but since October, 1904, he has carried on a safer business. He is now engaged in the cigar, tobacco and periodical business, with his son, Erle E., under the firm name of Jolley & Jolley, having excellent quarters in the Lima House Block, on East Market street. He is one of the substantial business men of the city, and owns some valuable property, including five acres of land, situated in German township, adjacent to the city.

Mr. Jolley was married, in 1873, to Grace Weiler, who is a daughter of William and Ann E. (Filson) Weiler, both natives of Pennsylvania. Forerly Mr. Weiler was a farmer in Wayne County, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Jolley have five children, namely: James L., connected with the Michael Clothing & Shoe Company at Lima; Erle E., of the firm of Jolley & Jolley; Ralph C., engaged in a milk business at Lima; Lena Dot, wife of Bert Wilson, of the L. E. & W. Railroad shops; and Iva, living at home. Mr. Jolley and family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is an active member of Mart Armstrong Post, No, 202, G. A. R.



