Arthur L. Jones, M.D.
Arthur L. Jones, M.D., physician and surgeon at Lima, and the city's careful and capable health officer, was born at Manchester, England, August 20, 1871, and is a son of Lloyd and Mary (Burbeck) Jones.
The parents of Dr. Jones are of English birth and rearing. The father brought his family to America during the youth of our family to America during the youth of our subject and settled at Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he was engaged for a number of years in a mercantile business, and where he now resides retired. His family consisted of 10 children.
Arthur L Jones was mainly reared and educated at Fort Wayne. From his boyhood he was interested in medicine. In order to hasten the time when he could enter medical college, he taught physical culture and engaged in an electric business. His medical studies were completed at the Fort Wayne Medical College, where he was graduated in the class of 1897. He chose Lima as his field of practice and established himself in this city in April, 1897. He belongs to all the leading medical associations of the State, thus keeping in touch with the latest medical thought, and is practical enough to recognize the real value of many of the most widely heralded modern methods of practice. He has shown the skill and ability which have brought him a large clientele. His standing in the profession and known ability caused his selection as city health officer.
Dr. Jones was united in marriage with Harriet A. Wilson, who is a daughter of Walter B. Wilson, formerly of Fort Wayne, Indiana, but now of Lima, and they have one daughter, Mildred. Dr. and Mrs. Jones are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The family residence is situated at No. 418 West Spring street. Politically Dr. Jones is a Republican. Fraternally he is connected with the Masons and the Odd Fellows.