William F. Hoover
William F. Hoover, of Hoover & Company, the well-known, genial furniture dealer of Lima, was born in Allen County in 1869 and is a son of John and Bernadina Hoover, who are esteemed citizens of this city, now in the evening of life. John Hoover is a native of Holland, but has been a citizen of America since his sixth year. He came to Allen County about the year 1850 and helped in the building of the C., H. & D. and ., Ft. W. & C. railways.
William F. Hoover received his education in the public schools of Lima and at the age of 12 years entered the employ of Charles Garrison, remaining with that gentleman until he went out of business. His next employers were Donze & Campbell, in whose employ he continued four years, until 1889, when he and his brother John opened a furniture store under the firm name of Hoover Brothers. In 1899 the death of his brother occurred and since then Mr. Hoover has conducted the business alone. He has built up a large business and in addition to the store in Lima has a branch store at Mansfield. He is the veteran business for more than a quarter of a century. He is also interested in real estate and is in every way a representative citizen of the county.
In 1893, Mr. Hoover was united in marriage to Ida M. Reed, a daughter of Salem Reed, a prominent farmer of Shawnee township. Two bright children have been born to this union, Palleene and Alleene. While Mr. Hover is a Democrat in his political views, he does not always vote the straight ticket, as he always gives his support to the man vest fitted for the office. He is a member of the B. P. O. E. and the Eagles and has been an officer in both orders.