Ohio Biographies

Wilford E. Heath

Wilford E. Heath, mayor of Harrod, is one of the most capable and efficient officials that has ever presided over the affairs of that village, and has been equally successful in looking after his bakery and confectioner business. Mr. Heath was born in Medina County, Ohio, February 18, 1863, and is a son of Thomas E. and Martha (Aldrich) Heath.

The paternal grandfather was a native of Vermont but of Scotch descent. He moved to Pennsylvania at an early day and secured 200 acres of land, which is now in the heart of the anthracite coal field. This land, together with all his property, was lost through his going bail for some merchants of Philadelphia; but no word of complaint was ever made by his noble wife, whose property was also swallowed up in the misfortune.

Thomas E. Heath was born February 20, 1820, in Schuykill County, Pennsylvania, near Pottsville, and was eight years of age when his parents moved to Medina County, Ohio, where he lived until his death. He learned the trade of carpenter and became one of the most successful contractors in Medina County. He took an active interest in politics, was a stanch Republican and for several years served as constable. A member of the United Brethren Church, he was a man of noble principles and consistent deeds. His death in 1898 resulted from a stroke of paralysis and terminated an upright and useful life. His wife, Martha A. Aldrich, was born January 6, 1832, and was of Scotch-English origin, he immediate ancestors being Roswell and Eva Aldrich. She died at the age of 47 years, leaving three children: Leonard M., a farmer residing near Kenton, Ohio; Rosa, who married F. D. Marble and resides at Ravenna, Portage County, Ohio; and Wilford E. Mrs. Marble in the mother of four children, only two of whom are now living Frank B. Marble, her son, graduated from the Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio, and then entered the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, being employed as an engineer in bettering the grades for the heavy freight traffic of that road. Later he accepted the position of chief engineer of the American Steel & Wire Company, and is still retained by them at a large salary. He married Loie Davis, of Cleveland, and their little daughter, Helen, is the youngest of four generations of Marbles. The family has a photograph of this group of four generations which is highly prized. Eva Marble, daughter of Mrs. F. D. Marble, lives at home and is an accomplished musician.

Wilford E. Heath remained at home until his 13th year when the death of his mother occurred, after which he made his home with his sister. He attended the schools of Medina County and also was a student in the schools of Bedford. Leaving school, he secured work in the hardware store of J. B. Haines, and for two years was not only the bookkeeper but a handy man in the store. The next three years were passed in the employ of the A. L. Shattuck Chair Company, after which he went to Galva, Illinois, and, in partnership with his cousin, engaged in the bakery business. The continued ill health of his father necessitated his return home, where he remained four years until his father's death, when he located at Harrod, Allen County. Erecting a suitable building, Mr. Heath opened a bakery, adding also a line of confectionery, patent medicines, tobacco and groceries. He has built up a good business and has endeavored to merit patronage by having everything of the best. His bakery is well equipped, all his mixing being done by machinery operated by steam power, and everything entering into the composition of his goods in the purest and cleanest that can be procured.

Mr. Heath is a Republican and has given his hearty support to the success of his ticket, whenever the men nominated were those whom he could conscientiously endorse. He believes in a clean administration and before being elected to the mayoralty, in 1903, he was one of the most energetic and efficient members of the Council and of the School Board of Harrod.

Mr. Heath was married December 21, 1892, at Galesburg, Illinois, to Clara A. Frisinger, of Lima, Ohio. Mrs. Heath was born April 4, 1874, in Allen County, Ohio, and is one of 10 children seven sisters and three brothers born to Thomas and Hannah Frisinger. Mr. and Mrs. Heath have one daughter, Hazel A., born July 8, 1896. The family are members of the United Brethren Church, and have made many warm and enduring friendships since moving to Harrod. Mr. Heath is a member of LaFayette Lodge, No. 846, I. O. O. F., and of Lima Lodge, No. 91, K. of P.



