Ohio Biographies

Jesse Guy Honnell, M.D.

The death of Dr. Jesse G. Honnell, on July 13, 1898, removed from Allen County one of its pioneer physicians and universally valued citizens. Dr. Honnell was born in Greene County, Pennsylvania, January 9, 1831, and was a son of William and Ellen Honnell.

Jesse G. Honnell was one of a large family, his parents rearing 12 children. No family in his section displayed more notable patriotism during the Civil War, than did the sons of William Honnell. One brother of Dr. Honnell Capt. T. C. Honnell, served through the war; another, Rev. William Honnell, was chaplain of a regiment during the war, and a third, Rainey Honnell, was taken prisoner on the field of battle and his young life went out in Andersonville Prison.

Jesse G. Honnell was about six years old when his parents came to Ohio and settled at Sidney, in Shelby County, where he remained until 21 years of age. He obtained his literary education in the local schools and prepared for medical college by reading with a physician at Sidney, after which he entered the Cleveland Medical College, where he was graduated when 24 years of age. He practiced for about a year near Port Jefferson. In 1855 he married and with his bride came to Allen County, locating at Beaver Dam, where he was the only physician for a long time. This being the case, his practice was of the most exhausting kind, entailing much riding over the country and loss of rest and sleep in his efforts to respond to calls for his medical care. He was beloved and honored and, when five years prior to his death, his failing health made retirement from the profession necessary, he was followed into private life by the love and gratitude of those whom he had faithfully served for almost 40 years. During this time he had accumulated a competency and had invested in farming lands, owning at the time of his death a farm of 43 acres, on which Mrs. Honnell still resides and one of 160 acres north of the village, on which he had a tenant installed.

Dr. Honnell was married October 30, 1855, at Piqua, Miami County, Ohio, to Amelia C. Clark, who was born April 25, 1834, in Livingston County, New York, her parents being Rev. E. W. and Mary P. (Stiles) Clark, both of whom were born in New York. The father was one of a large family, having nine brothers and five sisters. Dr. and Mrs. Honnell had six children, as follows: Estella, who is the wife of Henry Shull, of Beaver Dam; Carrie, who is the wife of James E. Marshall, of Chicago; Mary F., who died in infancy; Jesse C., who died aged 17 years; and Eugene Guy, who resides on the farm with his mother.

Dr. Honnell was a man who took a deep interest in his community and who kept well informed concerning current events. In early life he was a Democrat, later became a Prohibitionist; but was ever what might be called a politician; in fact he was inclined to vote independently, turning his influence toward the candidate who in his judgment would most efficiently perform the duties required. For about 40 years he was an active member of the Presbyterian Church at Rockport. He is still recalled by his fellow-citizens with the greatest respect and esteem.



