Hugh E. Hughes
Hugh E. Hughes, a prominent farmer and successful stock-raiser of Sugar Creek township, who resides on his well-improved farm of 80 acres which is situated in section 22, was born November 2, 1839, in Montgomeryshire, North Wales, and is a son of Evan and Catherine (Evans) Hughes.
Both parents of Mr. Hughes were born in Wales and their death occurred in 1852, separated by one month, the mother being aged 44 years and the father, 60 years. Their children were: Susan, Hugh E., William, John and David. Our subject and his two brothers mentioned live in Missouri.
Hugh E. Hughes, like many others of his countrymen who have contributed largely to the State's prosperity, came to American shores in young manhood, poor in purse but rich in health, energy and stability of character. In his home and he was prepared to work hard in the new land to which he had come, accepting that necessity as a stepping-stone to future independence.
Mr. Hughs reached the United States shortly after the close of the great Civil War, in 1866, and settled first in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, where he worked one year and then came to Gomer, Allen County, Ohio. A year later he went to Missouri and there acquired his first farm, a tract of 40 acres in the vicinity of Dawn, Livingston County. He remained in that State for six years. In 1874 he returned to Ohio and after his marriage early in the year bought 80 acres of land in Sugar Creek township, Allen County, on which he and his family resided for 10 years. He then disposed of the farm, which he had greatly improved, and on February 25, 1884, purchased his present farm of 80 acres in section 22. This property has undergone much improvement since Mr. Hughes has been its owner. His commodious barns and large, comfortable house give an appearance of thrift and good management, and his fields and stock, his machinery and general orderliness, show that a careful competent man has been at the helm. He carries on general farming and stock-raising. In addition to the home farm in section 22, he owns another 80 acres, in section 23, the latter being in charge of a tenant, These farms and all else he possesses have been acquired by Mr. Hughes through personal endeavor.
On March 28, 1874, Mr. Hughes was married in Sugar Creek township, by Rev. D. M. Evans, to Margaret Hughes, who was born July 31, 1841, near Vaughnsville, Ohio, and is a daughter of Jenkin and Jane (Morgan) Hughes. The parents, both natives of South Wales, located, prior to the birth of Mrs. Hugh E. Hughes, in Putnam County, Ohio, where the father died in 1887, aged 84 years and the mother in 1886, aged 80 years. They were most worthy Christian people and reared their children carefully. They had nine children, Mrs. Hughes being the seventh in order of birth. Three of her brothers were in the Civil War. David served in Company D, 118th Reg., Ohio Vol. Inf.; Evan belonged to the 61st Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf.; and John served in the 151st Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf.
Mr. Hughes and his wife have had three children Jennie, Katherine, and Jenkin, of whom the last named died in infancy.
Mr. Hughes votes with the Republican Party, but takes only a good citizen's interest in politics. He is a charter member of the Vaughnsville Congregational Church, one of its deacons and formerly served as the Sunday- school superintendent. Mrs. Hughes has been a member of the church since 1855.