Ohio Biographies

Gottlieb F. Henne

Gottlieb F. Henne, who is now living retired from active business life in his comfortable and attractive home in Spencerville, has been a resident of Spencer township for 39 years, during which period he has been identified with the material development and agricultural progress of the western section of Allen County. Mr. Henne is of German birth and ancestry, being born in Wittenberg, December 14, 1840.

Our subject was the eldest of his father's seven children, and was 16 years of age when his parents decided to emigrate to America. The objective point was Marion County, Ohio, where William Britsch, Mr. Henne's maternal uncle, had already settled. The father possessed but little capital, the sum total being $200 when he came to Ohio, in 1856; but he was a man of very practical ideas and a good manager. Two of his sons were old enough to work, and he soon found work with a farmer for our subject for $5 and for his brother William for $4 a month, to be paid presumably in cash. Sometimes this arrangement was not carried out to the letter, as our subject remembers that on one occasion his father came to his employer in Marion County and took, in payment for his services, two likely shoats, which he trundled away on a wheelbarrow. The father lived for a time in Monroe County but later returned to Marion County, and in 1866 settled in Auglaize County. This was Mr. Henne's last removal. He bought a tract of wild land situated half a mile from what is known as Deep Cut, on the canal, and with our subject's faithful assistance cleared this, added to it and placed it under cultivation. At the time of his death he owned 200 acres, which he divided justly among his children. He died on that farm, aged about 83 years, while the mother died near Celina, Ohio, at the same ripe age. They were quiet, industrious, frugal people, finding enjoyment in accumulating property and in following out the dictates of kind hearts in their immediate neighborhood. The children of these worthy people who still survive are the following: Gottlieb F., of Spencerville; William; Frederick, of Auglaize County; Kale, who is engaged in the saddlery business at Spencerville; George and Jacob, the last named being only one born in America. Mr. Henne's brother William is a veteran of the Civil War. He served three months in the fourth Regiment, Ohio Vol. Cav., and then reenlisted for three years.

Gottlieb F. Henne came to Allen County in the spring of 1867, going to housekeeping in a little log cabin in what was then a wild portion of Spencer township. Like many other settlers he had his belongings shipped from Delaware, Ohio, down the canal to Delphos. He had been married but a few months and it was to a lonely and uninviting home he had to bring his bride in those early days. His cabin little resembled the fine brick residence which is the family home at present. This is situated on the west side of the canal, one block from the Keeth House, at Spencerville. On every side may be observed evidences of Mrs. Henne's industry and housewifely accomplishments. To her frugality and cheerful helpfulness Mr. Henne attributes a large part of his success in life. In the years that followed their settling in Spencer township, both she and her husband found hard and constant labor their portion, and each one did work which their children have never been called upon to perform.

Prior to his marriage, at the time of the last call for volunteers for the Civil War, Mr. Henne enlisted in the 186th Regiment, Ohio Vol. Inf, but the services of this regiment were required only a short time and he never participated in any great battle. He has always been interested in the Grand Army of the Republic since his army days, and attends the meetings of the post at Spencerville.

In recalling the early events of his life, Mr. Henne can show that his present fortune has been built up through industry combined with good management. In his day the little things were considered of value, and he says that he dates his rise to affluence from the time when he bought for $3.00 a calf which he cared for until by the time of his marriage it had grown to be a valuable cow. This cow was the first of a number that he owned, and was the beginning of the dairy business which he successfully carried on for a number of years. He is well- known in Lima, where he supplied choice butter to some of the leading citizens. He carried the mail for 20 years and also ran a livery and omnibus business for a considerable period.

After settling on his property in Spencer township, Mr. Henne not only cleared his land and put it under cultivation, but he also did much forest clearing and assisted in the building of public roads which were cut through his property. He broke his ground with horses, but he used the old-fashioned plow and for many years employed the old-time cradle in cutting his grain. He raised good stock while on the farm. By the advice of his physician he left the farm in 1884 and located at Spencerville, where he owns a large amount of valuable real estate, still retaining his farming land in the country. He has erected almost all of the business blocks on Main street.

Mr. Henne was married December 27, 1866, to Christina Schmidt, who was born in Delaware County, Ohio. Her mother was born in Germany and came to Ohio when 13 years of age, where she married and became possessed of large means. She died in Allen County, where she had made her home with Mrs. Henne. While on a visit to the latter, she became impressed with the fertility of the soil of Spencer township and the general lay of the land, and purchased 200 acres with the understanding that Mr. Henne should manage it for her. This he did in connection with his own business. Mr. and Mrs. Henne have had three children: Irwin, who is married and settled in Spencer township; Bertie, who is the wife of George Haas, also residing in Spencer township; and Mary, who died in her 15th year. Mr. Henne gave all his children excellent educational advantages. His son is a graduate of the Lima Business College. Mr. Henne has always been one of the active supporters of educational and religious work in his section. When he first came to this locality, there was a few houses and no church in Spencerville. In a short time Mr. Henne with John Long, Mr. Sweinfort and Mr. Gaberdiel, took the matter in hand, and together they purchased the old building which was made use of by the German Methodists until they later erected their present church edifice, Mr. Henne being one of the trustees of this church. He has never taken any very active part in politics, his time and interest being concerned closely in his own affairs. He is a man well known in the community where his name stands for honesty and integrity and where he is respected and esteemed by his fellow-citizens.



