Ohio Biographies

George Hall, D.D.S.

George Hall, D. D. S., one of Lima's leading professional men and formerly postmaster of this city for a period of nine years, whose portrait is shown on the opposite page, was born in Iowa, and is a son of the late Harrison Hall, who was once the leading contractor in this city, dying here in 1902 at the age of 88 years.

George Hall was educated at Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, and began the study of medicine and dentistry with Dr. Carhart, of that city. At the outbreak of the Civil War, although but 18 years of age and with a promising career before him in professional life, he enlisted in the three months service but was not mustered in the United States service because the Iowa quota was filled. The doctor then re-enlisted in the three years' service on the call for 300,000 men. Dr. Hall's entire term of service covered four years and four months, at the close of the first three years re-enlisting as a veteran. The young soldier participated in all the battles in which his command was engaged until July 22, 1864, when in front of Atlanta, he was made a prisoner of war, the entire command being captured at the same time. As a prisoner he was remanded to Andersonville where three wretched months were spent; three of almost equal misery were passed at Florence, South Carolina, and one month at Charleston, where on the third attempt he accomplished his escape. This was done by jumping from a moving train near Wilmington, North Carolina.

Dr. Hall had then been imprisoned just seven months to a day, and did not purpose being again subjected to the horrors from which he had escaped. Cautiously he made his way to Wilmington, then occupied by the Confederates, and fortunately found a Union family willing to secrete him and give him necessary food and raiment. After remaining with these good Samaritans for six days, the city was taken by the Federal forces, and as soon as possible he reported to the commander, General Perry, The exposure brought on a violent illness and he was sent to the hospital at Annapolis, where he spent 2 months. His honorable discharge was received on July 21, 1865, at Louisville Kentucky.

Dr. Hall then joined his parents at Lima, whither they had removed during the war, and as soon as he was fully restored to health he established a dental practice in which he has virtually been engaged since 1867, although much of his time has been occupied in the discharge of duties of a public nature, President Harrison appointed him postmaster at Lima and he served also under Presidents McKinley and Roosevelt, having always been more or less prominent in political matters in this section of the State. The affairs of his city have also claimed his interest. He has frequently been elected a member of the City Council and has been president of that body. He served two terms on the Board of Education of Lima, and among thoughtful citizens he is recognized as one of the strong men of the community.

In 1875 Dr. Hall was married to E. Virginia Hackedorn, who is a daughter of George G. Hackedorn, long engaged in a banking business here. Fraternally, Dr. Hall is prominent in Masonry, belonging to the Blue Lodge, Council, Chapter and Commandery at Lima. He is also an Odd Fellow. He has been one of the moving spirits in Grand Army circles here; has been commander of Mart Armstrong post, No. 202, and has served as a member of the administrative committee of the Department of Ohio, G. A. R.



