Fred E. Herold
Fred E. Herold was born in Lima, Ohio, July 3, 1859, was here reared and educated and here has for several years occupied a prominent place among the leading business men. His father, M. Herold, located Lima in 1853 and opened the first brick-yard conducted in the village. He was also engaged in the grocery business, having at the time of his death in 1870 one of the largest grocery stores in Lima. He was a public-spirited, whole-souled man and was ever found at the front in all movements which would promote the general welfare of the people of the community.
Fred E. Herold left school at an early age to begin the actual battle of life, securing work as a delivery boy in the store of James Langan. After being in this place a few months, he had the misfortune to be thrown from his wagon and have his leg broken, which necessitated an enforced retirement for a short time. When he was able to get around once more, he entered the Lima Business College for the winter, when spring came, he obtained a situation in the dry goods store of Holmes & Brown, with whom he remained eight years. While here he had the satisfaction of washing the first plate-glass window used in Lima. In 1882 he opened a grocery store which he conducted until 1894, at the same time running a restaurant in connection with it. Mr. Herold has engaged largely in outside enterprises, and these have encroached so closely upon his time that he found it necessary to retire from the grocery and restaurant business in order to give attention demanded by his other interests. In addition to extensive real estate holdings in Lima, Mr. Herold is vice-president of the McKibben Gas Engine Company; and is a stockholder of The Crystal Ice & Coal Company and The Lima Telephone & Telegraph Company.
In 1881 Mr. Herold was married to Lizzie Meyer, daughter of John Meyer, a druggist of Lima, now deceased. To this union one child, Minnie, was born. Mr. Herold is a member of the German Reformed Church and is also a prominent member of Lima Lodge of Elks, of which he is trustee.