Frank Hoberhour
Frank Hoberhour conducts a successful business in staple and fancy groceries in Lima, and is a man of sterling worth and upright character. Mr. Hoberhour was born in Bluffton, this county, in 1862, and is a son of Matthew Hoberhour, who was a shoemaker by trade and later operated a grist- mill. He died in 1867, when our subject was a child of five years.
After leaving school in Bluffton, Frank Hoberhour became a carriage painter and worked at that business about 12 years before coming to Lima. Here he secured a position in the C., H. & D. Railway shops as coach painter and was so employed 12 years, leaving them only to engage in business for himself. Erecting a business block at No. 747 North West Street, he fitted it with a complete stock of staple and fancy groceries and has established a substantial treatment of customers, and his executive ability.
Mr. Hoberhour was married, in 1883, to Rebecca A. Stevenson, daughter of the late H. K. Stevenson, who was a real estate dealer and insurance agent of Columbus Grove, Ohio. Of the children born to this union, three are living, namely: Edward B., a student in Lima College; Bessie Emeline and Francis. Mr. Hoberhour is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Royal Arcanum.